An Urgent Issue

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Deragan watched him vanish over Gunnison Forest, seeing he intended to land within the trees. There was the slight scrape of branches and the rustle of rich green leaves. As he lowered. Sweeping his wings gradually enough to not draw attention in the distance.

Deragan waited for Acharius to lower to his feet and get changed into human form so they could converse.

Deragan and Sebastian met him on the hillside beyond Worthington Manse, well from the prying eyes of the cimmerii nonis, rats, that crept all around the mansion.

Keeping watch. Sebastian knew. The tiny slinking creatures were Radix's favorite spies.

They were small enough to often go unnoticed.

In minutes, the massive man strode from the trees, looking every inch the fearsome viking he'd once been. With curling blonde hair blowing, and his blonde beard enhancing the sharp line of his broad jaw, he looked fierce as hell.

I wouldn't elect to fight him, had I not trained with him enough days to know how to outmaneuver him.

It was fair to say that Acharius had taught Deragan much of his ways of fighting in return. And they had trained all their men in the skills of viking warfare. Then Mardichi had trained them in barbarian tactics, which included mastering the battle axe and using raw brawn to outdo an assailant.

But Deragan had taught them all war tactics, skill, precision, and the importance of keeping collected even in the most stressful situations.

"Rhyers." Acharius filled in. Knowing Deragan's first question would be who was left to guard their treasures.

It always is. Sebastian thought inwardly. Giving Acharius the same worried look Deragan was.

"What's wrong?" Deragan asked.

"Something has been creeping in to steal the artifacts. It can outrun me. And it is the slyest creature Radix has ever sent to raid us." Acharius voiced his frustration.

"What is it?" Deragan took a worried step forward.

"Pale, low to the ground, it crawls on all fours and doesn't make a sound."

"I've seen something like that." Sebastian noted.

Deragan gave him a quizzical look.

"Back when Raese courted Calisto. There was a creature like that pursuing her attentions. A creepy little thing." Sebastian shuddered at the memory. "Raese about put a boot on him, the last time he was around."

"Is he Radix's, for sure?" Deragan was looking from one to the other of them.

He clearly hopes we're uncertain. Sebastian couldn't blame him for that.

Both Bast and Acharius were nodding.

"He reeks of demon." Acharius supplied.

"Get back." Deragan said. Looking to Acharius. "You and Rhyers will set an ambush for him."

Acharius dipped his head in a nod.

"Have Rhyers run it straight to you." Deragan elaborated.

Acharius dipped his head in a nod. Walking slowly back toward the woods.

"Acharius." Deragan said. Making the other man round. "What else was it?"

Sebastian looked at them both. Wondering what made Deragan think there was more.

Acharius stopped. Hesitating as he studied the ground. "I have a problem."

"Which is?" Deragan queried.

How'd he know? Sebastian was awestruck. It never failed to surprise him how perceptive Deragan could be.

"Nothing bothers you." Sebastian murmured in confusion.

"I'm seeing in color." Acharius sighed. Rounding with slumped shoulders.

"Impossible." Deragan said startled. "You've been color blind since you joined us during the war."

"You what?" Bast blurted aghast.

There could be Nonis. He reminded himself, realizing his voice was rising.

"There's a woman." Acharius filled in weakly. "A Watcher, I think, maybe..."

"A Watcher?" Deragan's brows lifted.

"I'm sure." Acharius squared his shoulders. As if deciding in that moment that he was right. "And I think there's more..."

Deragan was blinking in shock. Shaking his head in wonder. "I thought they were all lost."

When Teverius and I lost the map. Sebastian swallowed guiltily. Feeling worse, that he hadn't confessed to Deragan what he knew.

"I know of another." Sebastian said. Grimacing as Deragan's blue eyes flashed. "The one you assigned Lucien to guard."

"Meralee Carter? My mate's friend?"

"She glows." Bast explained. "I knew it when I saw her. But didn't know if telling you would bring up old pain. I saw no need since you were already having her watched."

"There's every need!" Deragan's jaw tightened and Bast ducked his head.

"You're right, alpha. I should've told you."

"How could they still be around?"

"I think, from what I can gather, that someone led them from Radix's clutches." Acharius tentatively explained. "I know how crazy it sounds."

"Who? Who would've known about them?"

"I don't know yet." Acharius said.

Bast turned his head, his eyes widening as he recalled what he'd just been thinking.

"What is it?" Deragan asked. Catching the expression.

"There's another, that could Spirit Run like you. One that would've known where Radix might've been keeping any that lived."

Deragan stared at him in astonishment. "You think Chavias did this?"

"Who else could it be?"

Acharius looked like he could've been knocked over with a feather. "I thought he'd turned on us?"

"Perhaps not as much as we've thought." Deragan said. Sounding just as befuddled as they felt.

But Sebastian felt something else too.



"You haven't just come to tell me this." Deragan asserted.

"I need some advice on how to handle her." Acharius blurted. "I feel strong emotion for this creature-"

"The woman?" Deragan queried.

Acharius swallowed in discomfort, tilting his head to the side in admonition.

"A woman is a far stretch from a creature." Deragan chided. The edges of his mouth twitching.

"I knew you would want me to protect her, but she seems to have feeling for me. I'd prefer to distance myself from her to avoid disconcerting situations."

"Do you feel for her?" Deragan asked flatly.

Acharius flinched but quickly hid it. "That's irrelevant. It's about our duty and how best to serve it."

Deragan eyed him knowingly and Bast suspected what his response would be, before the words had even crossed his lips.

"I'm afraid there's no one else." Deragan said sternly. "It will have to be you that watches over her. Is she within vicinity of your den."

Acharius was flushing hotly. "Direct vicinity, I suppose."

"Then it will remain you that keeps her safe."

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