Rather Die Than Romance Advice

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In the early hours of the following morning. Sebastian had gone to the chamber on the floor level to evade the company of the other knights in an effort to ease enough he might take his Knight Sleep. He blew out a long breath and was quiet for a couple hours in an effort to sleep.

But he heard a whispering step outside his door. Too soft for any knight in this castle.

The door groaned slightly as it eased open. There was little hesitation as the step approached.

He felt slight weight on the bed near him where someone put a hand down. He sensed someone leaning over him. Felt the barest hint of strands of hair brushing his cheek. He was overcome with the scent of wildflowers.

What's she doing?

Or even more interestingly. How many times has she done this?

What if she intends to kill me?

Instead, he felt the barest touch of fingertips over his bare chest. Grazing over his skin tentatively. As if curious?

He felt the weight of her hair across his torso as she leaned her face near his shoulder and neck. Felt the slight breeze as she took in his scent. Heard the slight parting of her lips as she studied him.

Making him smile.

"Are you smiling?" She reared back, irises flashing to red at his small, telltale movement. Horror was written over her face when his eyes snapped open.

He took in the view of her pretty face and the ample display of cleavage the nightgown offered.

Before she could bolt, he put a hand over hers on his chest, pinning it to him. His other circled her waist to topple her down onto him.

She squealed and struggled to writhe away.

"Mmm." He murmured. Rolling her to tuck her into the corner against the wall. He draped a leg over hers and an arm over her waist heavily. Snorting as though he were only moving in his sleep. Molding every muscle of his body along her softness.

She pushed at him, struggling against his superior weight. "Sebastian!"

"Told you, you'd say my name." He murmured. Grinning sleepily.

"Lord Bodane!" She corrected "Get off me."

"Why? You come creeping into a man's chamber what'd you expect to happen?"

"Him to be asleep!"

"I wasn't."

"I know!" She kicked her legs trying to toss him off her.

"Lay here. Sleep next to me. You'll be surprised at how warm I can be..."

And how pleasurable the things I'd do to you, could be.

"Oh, no you don't!"

He lifted his brows invitingly. Palm flattening over her stomach. And skidding lower. Curving around the plane as it folded between her thighs. "Perhaps I do..."

He applied the barest hint of pressure there and felt her heat emanating through the cloth.

She writhed in need and confusion.

"I bet I could slip right in... You're warm and wet."

"I'm not!"

"You are." He smirked. "I can smell it. And feel it."

He stroked a circle more forcefully.

She yelped and nearly levitated from the bed. Running for the door as soon as her feet hit the floor.

He rolled to his back and propped an arm up, so his palm rested under the back of his head. "Come back soon!" He called laughingly.

"Never!" She shrieked, fleeing down the hall. Footsteps thudding.

"You'll be back."


"What was tha' abou'? She near razed the house."

Sebastian grunted at the sound of Mardichi's burr as he casually entered the chamber as though it were his own.

What are you doing here? His smile died as the barbarian interrupted his pleasant reflecting on how soft she'd been and the panic on her face when he'd gotten ahold of her.

"Ye do know a well-sated woman doesn't flee in terror?"

Since when would you know? Bast's eyes narrowed. Recognizing he was in a sour mood. Either because she'd left or because Mardichi had intruded.

"She's afraid of herself. Not me." Bast murmured, tucking his face into the pillow to avoid the man.

"Just the same if she's bolting yer chamber well into the night, yer failing to satisfy 'er."

"Is a barbarian trying to give me romance advice?" Bast twisted his face to ask derisively. Before tucking it back into the pillow. Still catching her scent from where her hair had been moments ago.

"Nay. Advice on laying with a wench."

Not a wench. Wenches belong in taverns.

This woman belongs in my bed. Only mine.

"Careful." Bast's arm shot out to point a staying finger.

"Ooh..." Mardichi sat in the plush chair in the far corner and wiggled his shoulders into the comfortable depths.

He's planning to stay awhile. Bast groaned inwardly.

"Don't." Bast lurched up to look at him. "I've warned you brother. Do not test me."

"Ohh..." Mardichi made a disappointed sound. "I've never before found something ta goad ye."

"Insult me as you wish." Bast muttered. "But do not call her names. You don't know her."

Mardichi sighed, conceding. "'Twas no personal insult on ye woman. Most women are wenches."

"I know." Bast calmed. "But she is something unique. Different."

"Hateful and sweet." Mardichi chuckled. "I know. I've seen 'er wit' ye." His tone softened. "'Tis endless amusement to me tha' she sees ye complete as ye are. Nothin' more. Nothin' less. She sees ye wit'out the magic."

That's true.

The depth of that statement struck Bast. "Once in a while, Brother, I see rare glimmers of wisdom in you."

She's vulnerable to me as a man. Not to my magic. For some unknown reason that caused a rise in his body that made it uncomfortable lying on his stomach.

"I know." Mardichi groaned. "'Tis 'cause I couldna find any drink in this blasted castle."

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