Little Monsters

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Teverius managed to draw within a few feet of the fallen barbarian. He could see the rodents shaking Mardichi's limps to rip pieces of him off. They were taking chunks out, all over his body. His innards were already exposed by the cimmerii digging away beneath him and stringing out parts of his insides.

Tev shifted sideways to outstretch a boot and kick Mardichi's side.

Mardichi's heavy body only slid a few feet.

Tev had to kick his limp form a second time. Violently stomping against Mardichi's ribs, to get him to slide completely out of the noni battleground.

"What are you doing?" Sebastian cried. Confused as to why Tev was being so aggressive with their fallen warrior.

Tev grunted. Ignoring him, as he fought more cimmerii back.

"Are you helping save him or kill him?" Bast objected from across the room.

"I'm uncertain! Big Bastard may already be dead."

Bast registered what Teverius was doing. He's trying to get him further from their teeth.

"He's too big and too stubborn to die." He shouted to Tev.

When the two of them, covered in sweat and oozing cimmerii fluids, finally thought they were making some headway, they were disheartened to see more Nonis pour through the open door of the tavern.

Dammit all to hell. Sebastian swore aloud.

"Bast this may be impossible. Can you unleash your dragons?" Tev called over the din of snarling and snuffling. And the slopping sounds of skin ripping and scraping over the bloodied floor as the nonis reached Mardichi's body again.

"I'd be too vulnerable."

"What are we going to do? We're all going to get killed if we don't get out of here!"

"We have to get him out!" Sebastian insisted.

A new voice boomed from the doorway. The low timbre that made every creature stop and look at him. "Is he still alive!"

"Deragan." Bast nearly fell over in relief. He'd never been so grateful to see him.

How'd he know to come?

"Mardichi!" Deragan gestured, his gaze landing on the poor state of the behemoth. Frustrated they weren't immediately answering. His analytical mind was already calculating the losses of his men in this battle. "Is the barbarian even still alive?"

"Yes!" Bast responded at the same time Tev yelled no.

Deragan gave them furiously looks.

He is. Bast gave Teverius a dirty look, before glancing back at the stillness of the redheaded man. I hope he is.

Are we too late?

Deragan must've seen some sign of life for he suddenly barked a command. "Tev, cut me a damn path!"

Tev did. Leaping to his feet, he slid through the Noni's turning on his knees to cut through them until Deragan had an open way to Teverius.

Deragan ran through. Putting a boot on Tev's shoulder as leverage to jump the rest. Which were already closing ranks around their prize.

Deragan landed between two. Arrowing through them for his boots to solidly thump. He braced himself on the floor before twisting to Mardichi. He slapped Mardichi's face. Once, twice, three times.

Until Mardichi blinked blearily up at his alpha.

"Light up, Barbarian." Deragan roared.

Mardichi grunted, lifting his head, he moved energy through fragments of his body until his eyes lit red.

Brilliant. Bast was stunned. Watching it unfold. That hadn't even occurred to me.

"Thank you." Deragan said. Taking the barbarian's massive hand in a firm grip. He slapped it open palmed to the wood floor next to Mardichi.

Mardichi's skin burned so hot, that Deragan's flesh seared where he gripped Mardichi.

In seconds,the wood ignited.

Tev watched slack jawed. "That's ingenious!"

Deragan glanced over his shoulder. "You two always tearing in with hatchets and daggers when you've a fireball laying here waiting to ignite."

Deragan used his free hand to tap a finger to his skull.

Bast and Tev exchanged a helpless look.

"Hadn't even occurred to me." Tev murmured.

"Course it didn't." Bast said. "That's why he's alpha."

The fire under Mardichi's hand took root. Leaping up and blooming outward. It licked over the wood.

"Help me get him out of here!" Deragan hoisted up what was left of the barbarian. Tossing the lumbering body over his shoulder like Mardichi weighed as much as a child. The other two rushed to help.

The Nonis shrieked in agony. Small bodies popping and sizzling in the growing fire.

Deragan rose with the barbarian over his shoulder.

Tev and Bast tried to help by guarding Deragan's walkway, and his back.

They tried to carry Mardichi's arms and legs to alleviate the massive weight.

Deragan shook them off. "Stop it you two! It's fine. It's me."

Sebastian nodded sagely. Knowing Deragan was strong enough to stack three men Mardichi's size on his shoulders.

The barbarian weakly lifted his head to point at a table they were passing. "Me alehorn."

"Are you serious?" Tev demanded.

Yes, he's serious. Bast knew. Rolling his eyes heavenward.

"Alehorn!" Mardichi grunted.

Tev stomped to the table and swept up the heirloom cup before stalking back to follow the others out.

"Even in a time like this, he's worried about a blooming alehorn!" Tev muttered. Cursing Mardichi.

They carried Mardichi out. Leaving the abandoned tavern behind them to burn. Knowing there was nothing around it to feed the fire.

From outside they could hear a roar in the wind and a storm brewing that reflected Radix's pain.

When the nonis burned, he felt it. So every twisted soul dying in there, was Radix's to feel.

In a sick way, that gave Sebastian some gratifying.


They entered WaterRose. Smoke still emanating from their clothing and all of them looking the worse for wear.

Elsabet was at the second level railing. "What the hell happened!"

"He was in a fire." Deragan said flatly.

"He's barely holding together!" Elsabet scrambled down the stairs. Peering under Mardichi's hair to see his badly marked face and his battered body.

"Sebastian!" She barked.


"Get me dark root and sweet balm."


"Now!" She shrieked.

Wide eyed, he nodded and backed up.

"Go!" She urged him to hurry.

Sebastian had made it to the door before he called up the steps. "Deragan?"

The alpha turned. His dark hair and face smeared with smoke.

"How did you know."

Deragan nodded down the hall.

Sebastian sighed. "I should've known."

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