Put Down

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Though Nora Bishop had already gone into the tutelage, Deragan had restrained Bast and Acharius from leaving. "I sense something. We're waiting. I had a feeling this would be the case."

"What?" Acharius asked.

"They've been waiting for her." Deragan blanched.

They all knew he was talking about a demonic presence. Though none could sense it as keenly as Deragan.

Just then there was a crash from inside the tutelage. Even the horses attached to her carriage were beginning to tug their reins, pulling against the handle of the carriage, in their efforts to escape this place.

A bad sign.

Black shadows crossed over the windows spurring Deragan into action.

He lurched into a blurring black mass as he crossed the abandoned drive. His body switching forms as it looked for the right one.

Bast and Acharius were on his heels.

"Keep a run to her carriage clear. I'm going in." Deragan's voice emerged from the shadow heading toward the structure.

"What are you going to do?" Bast called worriedly.

"Put. Them. Down." Deragan announced. His voice ringing with rage.

Cover your face. Sebastian heard the message, Deragan mentally conveyed to his mate inside.

Hopefully she hears it. Bast hoped.

Sebastian lunged forward to go in to help but he glimpsed Deragan in wolf form, chomping on the targue.

Viciously ripping it apart is more accurate. Bast grunted.

It'll be fine. You need to go. Now! Deragan was shouting into her mind.

Sebastian willed her to get out the door. Where we can take over protecting her.

They were emerging from every corner of the drive. Creeping from every dark hole which they'd managed to find.

There's too many.

Sebastian instinctively took on the shape of the panther. Crouching in preparation to attack. Even as he sent out a mental all-call to any wolves in the vicinity, Acharius had sent out a more physical alert.

He'd dropped to all furs and changed into the huge gray and white wolf. He tipped his head back and sent up a howl that shook the buildings around them.

They'll hear that. Bast realized.

He saw through the glass doors that the girl called Nora was rushing at them. Throwing them open.

In a blink he'd taken human form, thinking she might find it less terrifying.

Acharius had done the same, but the alarmed way she looked at them suggested their instinct might've directed them poorly.

She's scared to death.

Sebastian realized that in his focus on the emerging demons and protecting her, the last thing which had been on his mind was the fact that he was as naked as the day he was born.

A glance at Acharius affirmed he too hadn't noticed.

Sebastian groaned. But before he could make any further decisions, he was swarmed by Forever Knight wolves.

They poured into the drive, charging demonic creatures.

Thankfully, they all knew to stay close to Deragan, once he found his mate. This fact meant their response time was nearly nothing.

She must've realized she was staring at their naked bodies, for she suddenly jerked and bolted.

Sebastian doubted she'd even seen their faces.

She's too scared.

That was a relief actually.

Deragan still has his cover.

She might've questioned why the men she'd seen earlier were now surrounded by wolves.

It helped that others had seen them in human form and thought perhaps they too should change. Meaning there was a mass intermingling of nude men and snarling wolves.

He could imagine that it was a truly intimidating sight for someone who was unaware of what was happening.

Sebastian stayed close enough to sweep the feet out from under targue as they drew close enough.

Acharius ran and leapt off the side of the carriage to rip a sarabi sweeping toward her, out of the air. Making the carriage sway.

She didn't seem to notice as she fumbled up the step to the driver's seat. Her hands were shaking so badly that she couldn't grip the horse's reins for a moment. Eventually she composed herself enough, to shove hair from her face, and fully grab the leather strips.

She slapped the reins and the two startled horses reared. Smashing nonis as fast as they could run.

The carriage jounced dangerously side to side as the wheels turned over the ugly rodents. The creaking wood rattled as she managed to guide the terrified horses onto the main road. Streaking away from the would-be attack.

By now enough wolves had descended to wreak wicked havoc on those that would've harmed her.

Sebastian and the others worked their way through endless nonis and dangerous amounts of targue. Fortunately, there were only a few sarabi, and once Deragan emerged, he made quick work of those. Wrenching them from the air like kites.

Deragan watched the shadow of a huge one flying overhead.

Sebastian knew that since Chavias was taken, Deragan had harbored a particular hatred for the creatures that had turned the tide in the ambush.

He'll kill every single one if he gets the chance.

He proved that was his intention as he rushed toward the wall of the building. Hitting it with one foot and launching himself skyward. Black wings jutted from his back, far dwarfing those of the Sarabi. He landed on the back of it and with pure, unadulterated rage, caught the leathery wings of the demonic bird and ripped them free. Riding the sarabi to the ground as he contemptuously threw the shredded wings aside like the waste they were.

The sarabi crashed to the ground.

Deragan sat comfortably astraddle it as it went limb. Once assured it was dead, he climbed off.

Sebastian caught a noni by the head and smacked it side to side on the cobbled span of the drive until it was limp. Then he lunged for another.

Not noticing as countless rodents and doglike beasts raked teeth and claws along his legs.

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