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"You chose to sit aside me!" She defended.

Irrelevant. Not what I asked.

"And if I'd touched you?" Sebastian repeated quietly.

"Certainly not! You are incessantly brushing my hand or touching my hair."

"Because you're irresistible." He stated simply. Lurching forward in his seat, laughing in his frustration.

He'd just been considering touching the flowing silver strands wisping around her shoulder and cheek.

"I fail to see the relation to you leaving meals, and her leaving if you touch her?" Alazar asked in confusion. Blinking rapidly as he struggled to catch up.

"She refuses my touch, and anything I touch."

That was my point.

She wouldn't be eating the food in the library if she knew I touched it.

Interesting quirk for a woman who melts when I touch her.

"Not all the time." She whispered under her breath. Cheeks flushing slightly but only Bast caught it. Head whipping to give her an assessing study.

"Brother, I've never seen you so besotten." Alazar proclaimed. Tossing his arms. "You two truly must end all this drama. It's nearly killing the rest of us!"

They both gave him a stunned look.

"You're madly in love with the woman." Alazar pointed an accusing finger at him. "So beg her to stay and stop forcing her to!"

Sebastian opened his mouth.

"Aah! Don't bother denying it." His brother charged.

Making Elsabet stare at Sebastian, watching his reactions.

"And you!" His finger landed in her direction. "Are no better!"

"What do you mean?" She asked in astonishment. "You're clearly just as fascinated but pridefully set on punishing him for keeping you captive. It's been two decades! Hasn't he suffered enough?"

They were both silent a long while.

Alazar sat back in a huff. "I'm not one to watch people floundering when I can call things simply as I see them."

"I wasn't going to deny it." Bast argued. "I told you. She fascinates me. Yet she thinks all I attempt, a mere ploy."

"What?" Alazar laughed outright.

"Why is that funny?" Elsabet frowned.

"He'd not expend the effort!" Alazar declared. "He's the laziest seducer of all time. He merely stands in a Ballroom and women trip over their skirts trying to unlace their gowns."

She widened her blue eyes. "Meaning?"

"I think deception entirely tiresome." Sebastian said dully. Still watching her. Though not denying anything Alazareth said.

"I'd rather cut down the middle of the truth." Bast's stare burned into her for much time before he came to a conclusion. "I think I know what you're about, Woman."

She's going to charm Alazar to find my weaknesses. The thought eased the frustration that had, had his teeth grinding. He pushed his trencher away.

The intensity in which Elsabet hung on Alazar's every word making him lose his substantial appetite. Even when it was explained.

I don't dare read her thoughts. He feared what he'd find there.

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