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Even Rhyers took a cautious step back at the ferocious sight of Sebastian fighting turning into a dragon. "You best soothe your ire, Friend, before..."

I change.

Yes, I'm quite aware. His mouth whitened.

We both know what'll happen if I change here, in the castle. He gave Rhyers a quick look that had the tracker backing up further. Giving him space.

The castle was constructed and balanced by magic. That kind of explosion of it, could rend it asunder. Not to mention in his full form he would tear out the staircase above him, spread walls in the hall and break walls.

Before I'd ever be able to change back.

Taking a moment to calm his indignation and shock, Bast wrenched the damp tunic apart. Tearing it loudly and jerking it free from his breeches to toss it to the floor. In a wrinkled clump.

"You tried to kill me?" His brows lifted.

She hissed through her teeth. Red eyes unblinking as she stared at him, trying to assess what was happening.

And how much threat she's under.

"A little excessive, don't you think?" He queried, face changing, elongating. Gold horns twisting from his scalp and body jerking violently.

Inhaling sharply, she took a stumbling step back. Putting out a staying hand. The talons retracting back into regular fingernails as she waved him away.

His predatory eyes followed her. But the horns wound back down. Retreating into his skull.


The same thing had happened as she carried him over the trees a fortnight past. Bast saw the recognition in her eyes. But he was currently busy trying to control his transforming body.

"Bast...are you quite well?" Rhyers called from down a corridor to his right.

"I'm fine." Bast said stiffly.

Cool the heat. He willed himself. Penetrating turquoise eyes locked on Elsabet. They slowly spiraled from the pupil out into gold.

WaterRose quivered. Energy rolled over them.

"I'll be in the library if you need me." Rhyers judiciously left.

Elsabet fled down the corridor. Back from the direction in which she came.

Trying to make it to the stairs, and back up to the second level.

"Oh, no you don't!" He roared.

She needs to be controlled before she does get someone hurt.

Her body jerked as though she'd hit the end of a rope. Tightness around her waist cinched and she was jerked off her feet. Falling to her backside.

The rug slid underneath her. She was skid backward toward him.

Now he was annoyed. Watching her coming back nearly within reach.


Her fingers became talons again. She lunged with a wild shriek, using all her force to drive them into the wood flooring. Coming to a dead stop, she launched herself to her feet. Dragging claws from the boards. Breathing heavily, she faced him across the hall. He felt the roots of magic she planted. Invisible rope won't budge her now.

Her chest heaved with her breaths.

He stayed human as he faced her. A brawny golden giant. But only a man, nonetheless. His eyes vivid gold, sparking in the shadows of the hall.

Tilting his head, he acknowledged she was a formidable foe. "Are you not as intrigued by what I am, as I am you?"



"You merely want to destroy and leave?" His voice lowered. He clenched his fists reflexively. Fighting the motion rippling under his skin. The creatures inside him writhing.

"Leave laughing." She added.

We'll see who's smiling soon enough.

You don't want to be my enemy.

"So hateful." His chin lifted as he eyed her.

She quirked him a dark half-smile as though he'd complimented her.

"I'll give you tether, Little Harpie. But its length depends on you. Behave and you get more to roam."

"Who are you to collar me?"

His tone was honeyed. "Well, obviously I cannot trust you, as you are. Fantasies of eviscerating me and all..."

"More of a goal, really."

My, my, she's quick witted.

Where have you been hiding?

"Good luck with that little goal, Harpie. You might bear in mind, I'm not the only beast in these walls. And you might find the others less patient than me." He tossed at her, with a dismissive wave. Strolling past her in the hallway with the bearing of a king despite his half-clothed state.

She gave an animal snarl.

"Coward." She muttered. "You can't face me as a man?"

His boots knocked the floor, in a fast stride back at her.

Tightening her body, she stood fast, despite that every muscle in her screamed the desire to bolt.

Waiting for me to strike her? He honed in on her thoughts. Shocked at what he discovered.

Fear of being physical hurt despite her power, despite her strength, despite her courage. A basic fear of being outmanned and bodily harmed.

Something a human woman learned long before she became a formidable valkyrie.

As he moved in the torchlight, she saw his chest jerking. Glimpsed the black and gold markings twining over his torso. Elaborate enough to draw her attention.

"Wh-what are those?" She gestured to his chest.

As he closed in, his toes nearly tramped hers. He leaned to put his nose in her face. Reading her fear, he didn't touch her.

"I'd not strike you, Harpie."

But someone did. When she was only a tiny human woman.

"Every man will strike a woman with the right provocation."

Not me.

A wild breeze tore down the corridor, disturbing his hair from the side of his neck where she saw gold scales crossing his shoulder and climbing the column of his throat. Glinting in dim torchlight like precious coin.

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