Ruby Ring

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Sebastian Bodane, Alpha of the Firestar understood exactly what was going on.

Radix...Damn him.

As the demon master led Matthew Murdoch out of sight, Bast's eyes fell to the ruby ring pinched between his fingertips. I know this pretty trinket.


His gaze lifted again. Watching old Matthew's back vanishing into the crowd. Next to the tattered robes of the monster that would feed on his soul, if he let it.

It's up to you, Old Matthew not to choose whatever it is Radix Malorum offers you. Bast sighed and hoped the beggar would make the right choice.

He's not a bad soul, afterall. Bast turned and gave a hardy shout to his sailors.

Hoping the old man wouldn't be swayed by dark promises and lustful innuendos.

He sighed and turned to yell for Boy, his First Mate advising him of the next journey's details before he removed his Captain's hat and handed it to Boy to return to his cabin for him before he disembarked and made his way back toward WaterRose.

Though he did have one or two stops to make. He tossed up the ring and caught it.


Worthington Manse, Grier Country

Bast straightened the collar of his lace shirt. Letting the strings swing open along his chest. He lifted his arms and settled a gold trimmed blue overcoat over it. Pulling his wild gold hair back in a tether. Pausing just beyond the entrance he closed his eyes a quick second to add shine to his boots, with a mere thought.

He entered and kept his head low to avoid making eye contact with the many maids in the room.

He could feel Lucien's presence here. He was always able to sense his brethren. Able to pinpoint them right down to the room they were in.

Which made tracking Lucien here, easy.

He saw the intense look that Lucien was giving the pretty brunette snubbing a man across the ballroom.

The woman Deragan tasked him with watching over.

Bast grinned as he stepped into Lucien's eyeline. "Careful, Brother. Your thoughts are showing."

"Good God I dearly hope not!" Lucien shot Bast a startled look. Slightly astonished that his gold haired brethren had materialized on the dance floor next to him.

"Why? Were your thoughts dreadful?" Bast asked, intrigued.

"I was thinking of dragging that woman off."


To where?


"Oh?" Bast quirked an intrigued brow. "Unlike you...She must be fascinating."

Ignoring the jab, Lucien replied in a dry voice. "Evil, I suspect."

Bast stiffened. "Evil as in Radix's? Or as all women, can be?"

"She's a woman."

They nodded gravely.

Bast lifted a glass of brandy to his lips.

As he lowered it, he said, "I've brought you something."

Without tearing his eyes from his prey, Lucien held out a hand in response to the lifting of Bast's, in his peripheral.

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