Shadow in the Snow

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Inside WaterRose, there was a rumble like thunder. The whole castle rippled. Every candle in the stronghold gusted and went out. Halls went silent and life seemed to die from every corridor of the structure. Sebastian's presence withdrew from every cranny. Like the very breaths of magic he'd once given it, were dissipating.

Water stopped rushing over the walls. Towers faded and began to crumble. Entire staircases, doorways and walls began to disappear.

Vanishing as if they'd never existed.

There was a grave silence settling over WaterRose which could mean only one thing.

The magic keeping WaterRose alive was suddenly absent. The stronghold seemed abandoned now, no longer filled with life.

There were no Forever Knights in residence tonight, that could notice the change.

No one that Radix would sense, that could draw him to stronghold while it was exposed. But it didn't change the deep impact of the desiccating stronghold.

Everything was hollow.

But one figure stepped from the dark, empty castle. A cloak hood was pulled high enough to completely shadow their face.

The figure moved quickly, abruptly through the bailey.

Timus dropped the gate, sensing all was wrong and not even questioning the shadow in the snow.

The bustling being rushed over the wood bridge in quick jagged movements. Entering the long span of the valley.

They turned their face up, and the moon glinted in vibrantly blue eyes. Eyes which caught its light and mutated it as the irises bled to red. Staring out over the mountain.

As the silhouette scanned the snowy span before the descending forests, the red eyes locked on an area of deep darkness over the snow.

The cloak hissed over the snow as bare feet crossed it soundlessly. Leaving only imprinted tracks in their wake.

Timus climbed to the wall and watched as the figure caught the ankles of the man lying in the snow and began dragging him to the bridge with impressive effort.

Timus fled down the staircase and hurried to help.

By the time he reached the bailey, the figure had managed to get him across the bridge, through the bailey and maneuvered him up the steps and through the double doors of the foyer. Those doors were still thrown wide open. Offering the darkness within. The howling wind carried wisping tendrils of snow in behind the limp man who vanished over the steps and into the foyer. Safely within the stronghold.

Once his body was laid on the marble floors. Fireplaces and candles bloomed to life. Water rushed once again. A bit of existence was breathed back into the stone walls. As if it was a sleeping creature which had just opened its eyes.

"You found him." Timus breathed. "I knew if anyone could, it would be you..."

"I thought we lost him." Timus added. Watching the form below, which was so unmoving as to be a statue. But the porcelain face peering up at him was unmistakable.

The figure was quiet.

Timus rushed out to meet her. "What can I do to help you?"


Sebastian woke to a warm softness lingering in the air. It intermingled with the scent of wildflowers. Elsabet was here.

He fisted the bedding beneath him. Using it to try to pull himself to a sitting position while he blinked his sticking eyes open, despite all the objections of his body. However, when his muscles tightened, they screamed with pain. Forcing him to lie back down. He was able to ascertain someone had covered him with a thick fur. The same shade of black bear as the one beneath him. He became aware his skin was still clammy with sweat, though he felt like he was freezing.

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