Ontop of Me

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"So why in the world would you ever find yourself jealous of me Bast?" Acharius drew him back to the subject at hand. Still inspecting goods from the bag at his feet.

"As I said, your woman-"

"She's not-" Acharius objected but caught himself at Bast's baiting look.

"Is sweet." Bast finished, ignoring Acharius' objections.

Seeing Acharius distressed look, he sensed he'd won.

He has been tempted by her.

"And?" Acharius snapped dismissively. "What are you driving at?"

"Mine, is not."

"Yours? A mate?-The-the valkyrie!" He was eyeing Bast astounded.

Had he really not known? I've had her for over a decade!

Bast reminded himself that Acharius rarely got beyond the caves.

Unless someone relieves him of his duties here.

"What is wrong?" Acharius grabbed Bast by the shoulders. "Tell me everything!"

Though Acharius intended to be gentle his hands were so big they gripped a bit tightly without intending to.

Bast grimaced.

"I don't have much to tell." Bast grunted. Expression turning to a rare frown.

"I'm confused." Acharius took a step back.

"Me too."

"Explain." Acharius directed as he dropped back to the edge of the cot. "I'm all ears with nothing but time."

"The valkyrie. She's a rare devil of a woman." Bast explained.

"Yet you like her?"

"She fascinates me. And despite her wickedness, there's a beautiful kindness in her. Something rare and lovely."

"You're fascinated by her." Acharius said slowly before probing. "And she's enamored of you no doubt?"

"Oh...There's doubt!" Bast grimaced. "Much doubt."


"She won't have me."

"Won't have you!" Acharius was aghast but calmed quickly. As was his way. "That'll change."

"I hope so. She's in WaterRose."

"You're still keeping her in the Stronghold?" Acharius' indignance rose.

"Careful Acharius. Your tone is sounding perilously like my twin's."

"I apologize." Acharius deflated. "What did she do?"

"She tried to steal my pendant." Bast touched the chain at his collar.

"The Dragon Eye?" Acharius gasped.

"Yes. Twenty years ago."

"You're still keeping her for that one sin?"

"And she scratched me once." Bast nodded.

"So, there is your lady..." He hoped to change the subject. Baiting Acharius for another objection. Excited to comment on Acharius' overly emphatic denials.

"Lovely, sweet, quiet and in utter awe of you." He shook his head despondently. Peering at Acharius through one sideways eye. Hoping for more outrage.

Acharius was blinking slowly at him. Clearly spotting his game.

"In comparison to your valkyrie?" Acharius asked.

Ouch. Bast flinched. Well played.

Bast rubbed his forehead. "A constant headache, that one."

"She'll bend to your will, Bast. Everyone does..." Acharius told his friend reassuringly. "Now tell me, what you've come to see me for?"


"Tev?" Acharius asked. "He doesn't come to see me much the last few years. I suspect he's got his eye on a pretty maid."

Bast cleared his throat, avoiding his friend's prodding for information.

"Nay?" Acharius' brow knitted. "Then a comely man? If there is such a thing..."

Bast looked appalled. Making an awful face, and shaking his head in horror.

"Little brother does like maids then? I always wondered..."

"He was the closest to Raese." Bast surged desperate to stop the trajectory of the conversation Acharius was leading to. "He knows the most about the spear and how to operate it."


"I'm wondering if Raese may've hidden it somewhere thinking Tev would find it?"

"That would be like Merlinus...And if he did?"

"Tev and I went out a few nights back and he reminded me he and Raese trained in these woods with you. You taught them both the art of the bow amongst these very trees." Bast gestured around to indicate beyond the cave ceiling.


"Is there anywhere in these woods you can think Raese may have hidden it?"

Acharius rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Let me mull that awhile, Bast."

Bast nodded absentmindedly as he leapt to his feet. Head whipping to scan the trees.

"What?" Acharius stood. Knowing that look.

I feel them. Cimmerii lurked in these woods. But not yet close enough for Acharius to sense. Bast's keen eyes followed his friend, and he knew Acharius was oblivious.

"Nothing." Bast shrugged. Turning from him. "It's time I get back."

"To WaterRose?"


Acharius looked disheartened but nodded.

"Fair thee well then, Brother." Acharius slapped him on the back as they headed for the entrance of the cave.

"Do come back soon. I yearn for a long talk."

"I will." Bast promised walking from Acharius until he heard the viking re-entering his den. Only then did Bast leap into a run. Moving through the woods, passing trunks and increasing his speed with each step.

Catching the stink of Cimmerii rot all through the moss and shrubbery.

Chavias could be with them. Bast worried for Acharius. Chavias would kill him.

Acharius was formidable with a bow but if Chavias could disarm, Acharius would have no chance, despite his massive size, against the brutal warlord.

The best fighter of us.

As Bast headed through the trees and toward the meadow, he sniffed. Catching the smell of decomposition and dry ash.

They're closing in.

Without looking back, he turned into the panther, moving faster. Increasing speed as he crossed the meadow.

Had he taken to the sky instead, he could've seen them converging through the trees. A plague of black pests moving along the ground. The rodents, dogs and horses twisted into demonic form. Hairless with blotched, molding skin and orange eyes.

The herd of them swarmed into a line nearly ontop of Bast.

As he loped through the meadow, three black Targue shot from the trees after him, snarling. 

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