We've All Loved Bast

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"What about that master of yours?" She straightened, and Quandary slipped off the bed after her.

What about him?

"He's rather strange is he not?"

Yet, devilishly attractive, admit it. He watched the swing of her hips as she walked in-front of him. Making his throat rumble as he sent a glance Heavenward. Willing himself patience.

Her bare feet were soundless down the corridor.

"Well, let me tell you! I'm quite done with that man of yours telling me what to do. Thinking he lords over everything here!" She gave a wide gesture.

I do rule here. His dark head whipped to look at her. I built it.

"He doesn't lord over me!" She proclaimed. Glancing at Quandary, who was in step with her. "In-fact were he here now I'd surely tell him so! That insufferable cad be damned!"

Quandary jerked to a stop and promptly sat in the corridor. Highly tempted to duck into a chamber and emerge as a man, to see if she was truly as bold as that.

She's not. She's blustering. His gold eyes narrowed on her. Badly wanting to challenge her to it.


Elsabet sighed, gown sweeping as she knelt before him. "I meant no insult, Friend."

Yes, you did. Just not to me as the panther but to me as the man. He huffed in disagreement. Still, he could catch her wildflower scent and the lingering aroma of sleeping woman. Her skin still sweetened from her rest.

She gave his cheeks a scratch. "In truth I can see the appeal he holds for you."

'For you', she says.

She stared into gold eyes which seemed to see through her. "I find even I'd be susceptible to his charms, were I not so careful. All creatures seem drawn to him..." She frowned thoughtfully. "He's a beast of many secrets."

You've no idea. He eyed her. Tempted to reveal he was her beloved pet.

"Secrets he'll never tell me." She added. Rising, she turned in a swish of velvet. The metal circlet around her forehead keeping hair from her face as it poured over her shoulders when she straightened. Heading for the bench before the stained-glass window to stare out.

He pondered that. Sitting where he was and not moving as he watched her figure weaving away. Looking like a bit of lovely string dancing in a summer breeze.

She took a seat on the bench, moving the bit of tapestry to stare out.

Watching for whatever she spends all day watching for. The panther rose and headed the opposite direction.

She watched him disappear into one of the empty chambers down the hall, knowing he often roamed through them, patrolling the grounds.

She watched him thoughtfully.


"Don't beat yourself up, Woman." A feminine voice muttered in annoyance. "All women want Bast."

"What?" Eyes narrowing, Elsabet peered down the dark corridor. Head whipping as she tried to find the source of the voice.

"Who's there?" She whispered. Unwilling for Bast to hear she spoke with someone new.

Switching her eyes red, she saw in the dark, intent gaze flicking through the shadows. Catching a hazy outline leaning on the banister. Not a real form, not even in the dark.

"Who are you?" Elsabet hissed. Elsabet leapt to her feet and marched closer to her. "I knew of no other woman here."

"Territorial?" The other woman's purplish eyes glowed in the darkness as she straightened to tower over Elsabet. Her image hardening until it was more distinguishable.

"No. Captive. Get me out."

"I'm not here to do so." The stranger gestured to her length. Implying she wasn't substantial enough to actually be there.

Not able to assist in any way.

The stranger clarified. "I'm Spirit Running. How are you hearing me?"

As Elsabet neared, she realized the woman's outline wavered like a reflection on a pond.

Though she didn't know for sure what Spirit Running was she hazarded a guess it was much like when she projected her spirit ahead of her to check that Bast wasn't in rooms before she entered them.

"Ah." Elsabet waved a dismissive hand. "You're the shadow."

"Shadow?" The taller woman cut in, offended. "My name is Calisto."

"I've glimpsed you around this Castle."


"I sense things." Elsabet said dismissively. Giving the woman her back to go downstairs.

She abruptly whipped around to call up. "Does he know you're here?"

"Bast?" Calisto queried. Lifting dark brows. "I'm not sure if he does or not. I haven't been able to speak with him in a long while."

"You've spoken to him?" Elsabet turned the whole way around to glower up at the woman.

"Is that jealousy I hear in your voice?" She laughed.


"It is..."

"It's okay, Woman. All of us love Bast at some point or another. Even I thought I did for a time before my Raese."

Curiosity peaked, Elsabet couldn't resist. "Whose Raese? Is he here with you?"

She sighed heavily. "If only...I'd give anything to be by him again."


"Is he dead?" Elsabet climbed back up the stairs, head cocked. Intrigued.

"No. He's lost. They can't find him. How are you talking to me so long?"

"What do you mean?" Elsabet lifted a brow.

"People only lower their guard long enough to talk to me for small spans before the tipping of energy changes."

"I'm not of your people." Elsabet lifted her chin.

"I've no people anymore."

"What are you?"

"A Water Dread once. But now, I don't know..."

"I thought they were extinguished when Battlings took the Divide into Paladine Land." Elsabet cut in.

The other woman's expression showed admiration. "How old are you Girl?"

"Who are you?" Elsabet countered.

"I'm Calisto, Water Dread, Timebender. Who are you?"

"I was Serenade...Long, long ago when there were still Dreads in Paladine Country." Her voice was tinged with pride as she lifted her chin to add. "I was the first of the Valkyrie."

"I think I know that story..." Calisto studied the floor thoughtfully. "That'd make you at least two hundred or so."

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