Missed Contact

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WhiteHall, Harridan Hamlet, PaladinesRAESE

Perhaps I'm losing my mind. Raese Merlinus stared out his window.

He'd whispered the only name he could grab from his past, into the dark. Like throwing stones in a cave, to see where they'd echo. Hoping for some signal that someone out there would hear him.

It was idiotic. He was a practical man. One that should've known better. But something had drawn him closer to that window. Something pulled at him like a hand on his collar, leading him there.

He'd waited there, hoping, for over an hour. But saw nothing. Finally sighing, he rotated to go back to bed but a slight movement in the distance caught his eye.

His gaze narrowed, hyper-focusing on that spot.

Snow had just begun falling and something had wandered from the high trees bordering Raese's expansive lawns. Something dark and moving in long strides.

It was a bit hard to tell what he was seeing, beyond the snow, and under the dim glow of the moon. But he caught the shine of something black beyond the gardens, weaving through trees in the snow. Like a serpent swaying through obstacles.

The thing moved like it was part of the land. Perhaps in the same fashion that water might wash through a river. Finding the most natural path. Travelling with the landscape, rather than against it.

Smooth and organic.

White flakes poured thickly now. And a wind had picked up since he'd first come to the window trying to swallow the image of the animal, entirely.

Raese focused his attention on it. Inadvertently bumping his forehead on the glass, as he waited for a moment when the weather might pause long enough for him to get a clearer view.

What is that? He squinted, trying to get his eyes to zero in on the creature. But whatever it was, it moved in a small circle, looking in every direction before eventually vanishing into the thicker part of the grove. Gone as cryptically as it had come.

What is it?

Something else moved. Like a pile of snow that rose to follow the creature that had just left.

This was a shape Raese knew.

The white wolf.

It was the same beast that haunted his lawns. The one his servants were constantly driving off.

Shaking his head at himself, Raese left the window. Some stupid animal.

Staring at the foggy air swaying through his chamber and the cold look of his lonely bed, made him feel just as empty.

Light energy began to seep into the room in tiny increments. Creeping through the walls and making the room colder than it'd been moments before.

He recognized the familiar presence entering the room.

"Calisto?" Raese whispered. His breath crystallized before his face. His green eyes desperately scanned the room. Searching every shadowed corner in the hope of spotting her.

He called to her again. "Calisto. Come to me."

No answer.

I'm losing my mind. For the first time he saw himself through the eyes of his servants. How foolish I must look.

They'd all caught him spending endless hours doing the strange dance that he hoped would make a staff appear in his hand.

All for nothing.

They'd seen him glugging tea to make him sleep through much of the day. Refusing most social calls except the rare few from Rodger Barnes and Leslie. In an effort to be awake at night.

When Calisto might come.

They must think I'm crazed. Sighing, he added logs to a nearly dead fire. Nurturing it into a hot flare. He gazed into it thoughtfully.

"Are you here?"

He heard boards shift behind him, and believed she was standing in the room with him, though he couldn't see her.

She didn't answer.

He deflated. Finally returning to bed, he straightened the coverlet over his belly and settled in. Promising himself that he'd at least consider letting all this insanity go, he closed his eyes. Knowing every fiber of his being hated the idea.

But until then, he'd keep trying to find a bridge between a past he couldn't remember and the woman he couldn't touch.

"Don't give up on me."

He heard the fast whisper in his ear. Inhuman in its speed. Emerging as almost a chirp.

He sat bolt upright. Body quaking as he searched the room for her.

Where are you?


WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country


Sebastian made his way to WaterRose feeling utterly defeated. His pace reflected that. He was moving slowly. Painfully.

Stepping from the trees, he straightened his legs into human shape. Letting clothes fold around him like a hand reaching from behind him to fold around front. His black cloak unrolled down his back to drag the thin layer of snow.

His head hung, his steps echoing the forlorn feel of his failure. He was exhausted beyond what even he could endure. His fingers were black on both hands, up to the middle knuckles.

I was so close to finding him. Sebastian chided himself. Wishing he could've looked longer. I should've stayed.

How did I lose his voice? Why couldn't I follow it just a bit further. Frustration poured through him.

He made it halfway across the snowy field in the valley of Meadow Mountain. But his legs were growing too heavy to lift.

He looked up and could see the distant firelight from the window slits of WaterRose's higher level.

Just a bit further. He told himself.

But it was getting harder to walk. The next step seemed impossible. And his feet had begun dragging until he eventually couldn't force himself on. Putting his hand out before him, he slowly closed his fist, drawing the magic, from the windows and doors. It released in swirls of gold light that moved from the castle out over the field. Returning to his body as he collapsed to the ground.

Catching himself with his palms in the snow, he assured himself that he'd done one thing right. She's free.

If I can't make it back, she won't die in there.

He blew a long breath. Trying to will himself back to his feet.

Get up Sebastian. But no matter how many times he demanded it, his damn body wouldn't budge. He went suddenly, incredibly hot. His body began shaking. Everything went blessedly quiet. His body no longer ached, his insides finally ceased their burning. Everything went silent and still.

Before he understood what was happening, everything went dark, and he pitched forward into the cold snow.

Too weak to stop himself from passing out.

He collapsed there. Alone in the snow.

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