Him, but Not Me

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"And once she realizes what she's done," Alazar continued. His eyes pleading for Elsabet to understand. "It'll be too late to redeem her, in the eyes of her people." Alazar said under his breath. "Something she'll forever mourn."

Alazar's gaze fell.

Perhaps realizing he sounds like a wayward little child crying on our mother's skirts. There was no denying the hint of envious bitterness invading Sebastian's thoughts like a sickening plague.

Sebastian had never in his life been so possessive of a woman.

She's my mate. An annoying little voice reminded him.

Elsabet was listening with an objective expression. All prior judgements quelched.

"I couldn't bear that. I'm devising a way to save her from that fate." Alazar added quietly.

To Bast's shock Elsabet's face softened at the sincerity in his twins' words.

Are you kidding me? For him? His jaw went slack. She softens the fortress of her walls, for him?

"You're genuinely concerned about her." She commented knowingly.

The hell he is! Sebastian wanted to shout it. But beyond his annoyance, he knew Elsabet was right. His brother loved the spoiled beauty ruling Nightway.

"I am."

"Why do you not just tell this woman the truth of the situation?" Elsabet asked.

"She'd not hear it!" Alazar's face hardened and his tone iced. He poured himself another sherry under Sebastian's watchful gaze before returning to lean against the mantle. Bracing an elbow forlornly on it, as he explained to Elsabet. "She's a willful, defiant...And she thinks me...Everything dark and evil."

Elsabet didn't miss Bast's meaningful look.

Pretty much how she sees me. I feel your pain, Brother.

"Why do you smirk, Demon?" She demanded. Expression chilling in a breath.

"Because I know you're perceptive enough to recognize the parallels."

"You've not claimed to love me." She swallowed hard before quickly averting her attention to the other Bodane.

"And he," she gestured to Alazar. "Is forthcoming, passionate about this woman, despite his reserved character. A truly charming trait."

Sebastian lurched forward.

Alazar gave an acknowledging nod of thanks.

She lowered hers in return.

She wants me to be more forthcoming? I'd like to be. I'd love to tell her how I want her. And all the filthy things I want to do to her.

I've already told her I want to be closer to her! He thought defensively. Not just our bodies...Though, I'd have no objections to that!

He frowned. Perhaps it's better I'm not more forthcoming...

Still, his mouth began moving.

"Fine." He leaned forward and glared her down. "I'm passionate about all things regarding you!"

Leaning forward. White shirt falling open over his chest as he moved. Gripping the armrests until knuckles turned white. Restraining himself from launching to his feet to get ahold of her.

He felt the ripple of dragons sliding under his skin.

Immediately Elsabet frowned at him. Sensing his rising emotion, her breaths quickened. Without another word, she fled. Skirts swishing as she twisted. Gown clinging as she rushed to escape the library.

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