A Viking's Visit

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Sebastian, as a sleek black panther, quietly watched the house. Waiting for the children to emerge from the vehicle while also keeping an eye on the Netherland fairies which were, oddly, lingering around Rosewynn.

They were creatures that didn't generally stray far from their regions.

Something is drawing them here.

Though they were generally attracted to the Watcher species, traversing to be near them was unheard of.

So why are they so excited? He was curious and intent on doing a bit of observation to figure it out.

He was startled from his reverie by the crack of a twig behind him. Spinning on his stomach, he hissed at the intruder, baring spiked feline teeth. Whose here?

"Whoa, Old Friend." Acharius mocked his words as he strolled from the brush. Lifting his hands in supplication.

Acharius. Bast's hiss turned to a low rumble of greeting. His eyes still burning a hole in his friend for nearly scaring him to death.

Acharius took a seat next to Bast and lightly stroked the panther's shoulders as he stared down the drive.

"Awaiting The Fallen's arrival, yet again, are we?" There was faint amusement in his voice. Knowing this was something Bast had been tasked with countless times over the centuries.

Why else would I be here? Bast bobbed his head in assent.

"I need to speak to you Old Friend." Acharius got to the point.

Bast was drawn to the worried note in his brethren's tone. As a former viking, Acharius rarely showed any hint of vulnerability. However he would not have come this far from his den and the treasures he protected there unless Rhyers was there to look over it.

What's wrong? Bast's head spun to Acharius, yellow eyes glinting. After a thoughtful minute he straightened into a crouch and turned human. Giving Acharius an expectant look as he peered at him behind the bushes.

"I'm not certain I can stay away from her." Acharius blurted.

Her? Who? It took Bast a moment to catch up.

Women. We're talking about women. Humor washed through him. I suppose we're all always talking about women.

Though Bast certainly wasn't going to be one to judge. He knew as well as they, that after living so long, the possibility of a lover or even more, a mate was something to be taken very seriously.

Especially when we have so much to hide.

And look after.

"Chastain." Acharius clarified. Mistaking Bast's quiet for confusion.

Ah, the redhead. We're speaking of the redheaded chit.

"No one said you had to." He pointed out.

"But Chavias..."

You can't let him steal your chance at happiness.

Chavias was the grim reaper. Terrifying them all with the promise of an early death.

And danger to anyone we love if he comes across them.

That thought sickened Bast. To think, he's fallen so far.

"Has proven to be coldblooded and ruthless." Bast finished for him.


"But didn't he save Deragan?" The viking asked quietly. Wanting to know if the rumors were really true.

Bast shot Acharius a fast look. Taking in the long blonde hair and the massive frame of the man. It was almost shocking to hink he feared Chavias. Knowing they were probably the only two men in Ardae quite so large.

But Chavias is far more skilled and versatile in weaponry. A better warrior.

Sebastian considered Acharius. I want to think there's hope of his redemption more than anyone. Even after all he's done.

Even if it is a foolish hope...

"You think him above killing us, now?" Sebastian queried.

"Do you?" Acharius countered. "What do you think, Bast. You knew him better than all of us but the alpha.

No. But I'd like to believe it...

"The Alpha says Chavias turned on Radix to defend him..."

"That would be miraculous, wouldn't it?"

"And I know he could've killed you the day I caught him watching you." Sebastian sighed. "But he didn't..."

That had been a hell-of-a-day. Confronting Chavias in the Dread Country Hideout had been the last thing Sebastian had expected that day.

Especially so close to the den.

"Perhaps that's because watching was all he was directed to do." Acharius suggested worriedly. "To see if we still kept the artifacts there. He always knew they were there. I wondered why Radix hadn't sent him to collect them before."

A fair point. Bast was silent.

Neither liked the subject of discussing Chavias.

"I've nothing to offer her." Acharius insisted. His voice filled with pain.

She doesn't think that. Or she'd not be following you about like a stray hound. Sebastian's thoughts were a bit impatient tonight.

"You have you." Bast offered. "Perhaps that is all she wants."

"Unlikely." Acharius scoffed. "She doesn't know what manner of creature I am."

Bast eyed him. "Where will she find a man better?"

He wanted to remind Acharius that he was not all duty and monster. He's a man too.

"I don't know!" Acharius tilted his head in argument.

"Nor do I!" Sebastian gave him a sideways grin. Setting home his point.

"Is it fair to ask her if she wants me right before I may be assassinated?"

Assassinated? That made Sebastian's brows lower.

It was a real possibility that was why Chavias was scouting the woods. Acharius was not being over-dramatic.

Chavias had killed plenty of Forever Knights to prove he was willing to do so.

"Let that be her decision. As The Alpha does." Sebastian jutted a chin in the direction of the carriages now coming to a stop in the drive.

Acharius was quiet.

"Tell her everything. I think that's her choice to make." Bast averted his attention over the shrub and down the drive. "Don't you?"

"I want her." Acharius confessed, averting the angle of the conversation as he admitted the truth. "Badly."

"And she wants you...Stop being ridiculous."

"Easier said than done." Acharius grunted.

"I wish my worries were so simple as wondering if I should reciprocate my woman's affections instead of considering if she'll ever return mine!"

Acharius grimaced. "She can't resist you forever."

"I am unsure. She does not seem to want me. And it has been a very long time...Even for us."

"I put her at risk though, Bast. It is different."

"If you could only have her for a day or two before she was killed, would you still want those days?" Bast queried.

"Damn certain I would!"

"Then why expect she would not?"

"Bloody Hell!" Acharius glowered at him. "Damn you, Bast! For making something blatantly selfish, sound noble."

"It is a skill."

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