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Pain flashed over her face and for a moment he regretted the question. Obviously, you have. Who?

It made something tighten in his gut.

Who had you missed so much your great pride had allowed you to dare speak the words? He couldn't even imagine a man.

"Where did you go so long?" She asked in a weak voice.

As if you cared. Don't feign now.

"To help my brethren." He said dully.

"Is that always where you go?"

"Yes." He said simply.

"There are more like you?"


"You're not giving much in way of answer." She glared at him.

"Perhaps not, but at least I answer." He eyed her meaningfully. "And I'm honest."

More than I can say for you.

She tugged her arm lightly and he released. "Go ahead and flee, Little Valkyrie."

"I don't flee you, Lord Bodane." She tossed over her shoulder acidly, as she walked away.

Walking or running. Either way...

"You run in terror." He said before correcting her to: "Sebastian."

"I'll never call you that." Her voice echoed in the hall as she announced it. Unstopping.

"You will." He called after her. Finding himself smiling despite the pain he suffered from the last couple days.

He veered into his chamber as she continued down the hall. The hateful little thing has some power over me. To make me smile even now.


Christophe Rhyers, a man with pale eyes and long black hair stepped from the shadows. So quiet he scared the life out of Elsabet, who stood glaring hatefully down the corridor at where Sebastian had disappeared.

"Where the devil did you come from?" She jumped. Blue eyes huge on his tall, slim form.

He wore a long black satin cloak over a fitted vest. Every stitch of clothing in place as it always seemed to be on this man.

Rhyers clucked in his cheek and shook his head.

"Would it've killed you to offer him a little reassurance?" Disapproval was written over his face.

"For what?" Her brows descended as she gave the man her full wilting look. "What business is it of yours?"

"He's my friend." Rhyers gestured down the corridor. "And he asked you for so little. Something he desperately needed."

"Why are you here?" She demanded. But a brief flash of guilt crossed her face as she took in the man's chiding.

"I followed him back here to make sure he was okay. He was quite unwell just a short time ago..." Rhyers stared down the corridor as well. Listening for the sounds of Bast shedding his armor in his chamber.

"Can you not feel his grief?" Rhyers murmured. Knowing the waves of it were nearly stifling to everyone else in the stronghold.

She stiffened. Her chin jutting.

"He lost someone dear tonight."

"A woman?"

"Would it've been a woman at his side while he wore armor, and was covered in blood and mud?" Rhyers' waspish tone made his derision obvious.

She grudgingly shook her head. "Likely not."

"Definitely not. He lost a brother tonight. Yet he came straight here, and his face lit at the sight of you. He asked you for a smile, for some bit of brightness. And you gave him cunning, manipulation and sorrow. What a horrible little creature you are." Rhyers shook his head and spun to walk away.

Elsabet's eyes darkened to red as she watched the man's back, but she made no argument with his words.

"Offer the man a bit of comfort!" He tossed over his shoulder.

"He isn't mine to comfort!"

"He's as much yours as everyone else's!" Rhyers spun on his heel to glower down the corridor. Aware Bast likely heard his words, but too angry at the wench to care.

"But you are the one he seeks when he needs some warmth. Not all of us that'd gladly give him brotherhood. He shows us only courage and strength. But you," He pointed a judging finger at her. "You offer only spite."

He was gone before she could summon a fitting retort.

Even Sebastian sitting quietly in his chamber was astounded at the wise words of his friend.

He's right. I did seek comfort from her.

Of all the people in Ardae...And of all the women that would've offered it, she's the one I want. It was a rather stunning revelation.

Sebastian had never craved the touch of a woman as he did this slight woman. The tiny, angry, harpie.

Elsabet hadn't been the only one Rhyers enlightened tonight.

After his momentary astonishment, Bast blew out a long breath and his head fell to his filthy hands. Too exhausted to deal with more complications atop his mourning Chavias.


Stone Peak, Black Mountains, Battling Border


Radix returned to his caves triumphant. Entering the dank dark stone cut out under the crumbling remnants of a castle. He walked deep into the pit of the mountain where the heart of the caverns lie, before branching into fingers that led to other portions of the filthy cave.

He was roaring with victory. Small heads jutted from his neck and shoulder screaming in echoing triumph. Souls he'd consumed, which had become part of him over time.

His Cimmerii screamed raucously, echoing his glee.

Radix paced the cavern, nearly skipping, waving his cape back from his feet. Far too agile for the aged form he favored.

"Okine!" He called.

The withered greenish half-demon appeared before him with pointed ears, yellowed skin, and teeth as jagged as Radix's own.

"Yes, yes, Master." He croaked in his strange shrill voice. Edging sideways toward the Demon King. Tossing him fearful looks.

"We won!" Radix rubbed his hands together greedily. Leaving a trail of ash as his worn cloak spun out around him as he turned again. "But there will be a cost."

He slowed slightly. Taking in that sad fact.

"Cost, My Lord?"

"When I use magic directly against them it opens doors."

"Ah. Yes. Rules..." Okine blinked narrow black eyes.

"Yes, you fool!" He shook his head. "It means more will come through those doors.

"More from sky?"

"Of a sort." Radix dismissed in annoyance. "One of the other legions will move forward to come against me. Direct victory always comes with a cost, you see." Radix murmured.

"You wish me find more pawns? More souls against what come?"

"And what's left of the damnable Forever Knights!" Radix spat with another gleeful laugh. "What little is left. Today was a priceless win for me."

The Forever Knights had taken a hard hit this day.

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