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Netherlands TavernSEBASTIAN

Serdephe seemed quite happy to explain to Teverius why she perceived him as a villain, oblivious to his affront.

"You only arrive at night. You've gazed on me unclothed while lying with my wolves. You've put your hands on my undergarments. You've crept around following me." She said matter-of-factly. "You're far closer to a villain."

He blanched. "It does sound rather awful when you word it such."

"I don't mind." She went back to eating her meat.

And Teverius immediately missed her greasy little hands on his.

Sebastian sat in the corner blissfully intrigued by all he'd witnessed. When he could contain his curiosity no longer, he strolled over to their table. "You called for me?"

Teverius jerked, staring at his food as if afraid to look up. Which only brought Sebastian more joy.

Recognizing his voice, Teverius looked up in horror, and met the gold eyes of his friend. Sebastian had seemingly materialized at the edge of their table to stare down at Tev. His hands linked behind him as he rocked forward and back, on his heels.

"Who are you?" Serdephe asked awestruck.

Neither man answered her as they stared at each other. Teverius in appall and Bast in pure bliss.

"You're so...pretty!" She scooted up on her seat to reach a caressing hand to his cheek. Then stroked his hair lovingly. As if he were a pup.

"Don't touch him." Tev swatted her hand away. "You don't know where he's been."

He succeeded in batting her away, only for it to immediately return.

"So soft." She murmured as she caressed his gold hair. Her pupils dilated and her gaze fixed. "Who are you?"

"I am Teverius's friend, Sebastian." Bast tugged a strand she'd just fondled and inspected the sheen of grease now matting it. "Has he not mentioned me?"

Her eyes snapped to Tev and the dull haze faded away. "You've friends? You didn't tell me! I thought you were like me."

She sounds betrayed. Bast noted.

"He is like you." Bast dismissed. Sliding onto the bench next to Serdephe.

Bast grinned like a mad man. Watching the flush creep up Tev's face.

"You know, I don't find you amusing." Tev hissed.

"I'm often told that."

Serdephe stared up at Bast next to her. Petting his collar and bicep lovingly, cooing in admiration.

Tev's blue eyes traced her every touch.

Bast hardly noticed her as he was busy watching Teverius, whose blue eyes were narrowed accusingly on Bast.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Teverius queried haughtily.

Serdephe was so fascinated by the golden man she hadn't realized she'd consumed two cups of ale already.

"Immensely. Why didn't you tell me?" Bast queried impassively.

About her.

"Tell you what?"

Bast leaned forward. "Oh, we want to play impervious. I can play. I can sit here all night..."

Tev's face was growing hot, and he felt his skin whitening. His blue eyes flared as he watched every loving stroke Serdephe gave Bast's hair and arm. Like one pets a favored cat.

Bast tskd. "No need for that, Little Brother."

"This, is why I didn't tell you." Tev said acidly.

"Is this where your Demon Dogs have gone?" Bast cast a glance at the pretty purple-haired creature next to him.

"Doggies?" She blinked dumbly as if just now tuning into the conversation. Taking another sip of her drink.

"I have doggies. Tev gave them to me." She glanced back at Teverius and caught his angry look.

"Why do you look a fine rage?" Her hand fell from Bast's shoulder.

"I don't."

"You do, Little Brother." Bast agreed. "Why are you so upset?"

"What do you mean I called for you?" Tev demanded.

"You were thinking of me."

I wasn't.

"I did not."

"You did."


"When you were wishing I was here to partake with you."

"I vividly recall that was not at all what I was thinking."

"I'm certain that's what I heard." Bast said dismissively. Knowing full well that Teverius had been hoping he wouldn't arrive.

That's what I really heard.

"Ale." He called. Slapping the table.

"No." Tev shook his head, eyes widening. "Not with her."

"Why not?" She demanded. Tearing her eyes from Bast again.

"Because." Teverius cleared his throat.

"Because why?"

"Because I need to be in control."

"It seems to me you're in control far too often." Bast murmured.

Tev tossed him a dark look.

"Agreed!" Serdephe cried.

The barmaid arrived with the men's drinks.

"I want another one." Serdephe objected when the wench arrived with the drinks.

"She wants another." Bast said.

"Bast!" Tev cried.

"You promised me I could partake of a man's world." She contributed fueled by Bast's encouragement.

"I didn't say that." Tev defended. Shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"Ale is part of a man's world." She persisted.

"But it isn't-"

"If you're going to say ladylike, I'd remind you, you said you like it far more when I'm not a lady."

"Did he now?" Bast handed her a mug and held his aloft. When she did the same, he cheered her.

"That's fun." She giggled.

"Again!" She reached to cheer Teverius.

"This is a poor idea." Tev's eyes flicked from one to the other.

"I suggest you join us." Bast drawled.

"I will not." Teverius snapped. "Someone must remain appropriate here."

Bast sighed and leaned back. Draping an arm over the bench back.

"Then I guess I shall just have to sit here until you do." Bast stared at him unflinchingly.

"I hate you."

"I get that so often!" Bast absentmindedly plucked at Serdephe's burnt mystery food. She was sidling closer to Bast.

Sebastian stiffened. Sliding from the booth to stand over Teverius. "It means I'll switch you spots so you may get drunk next to this lovely lady."

"See!" Serdephe pointed out. "He says I'm a lady."

Teverius' eyes narrowed on Bast.

"Don't look at me so." Bast gave him a goading head tilt. "I'm not the one saying I prefer when she doesn't act the lady."

"It doesn't mean what you think."

"Of course not." Bast smugly took another swig from his mug. Before bellowing. "Mardichi!"

Tev cringed. "Oh, no."

"Oh, yes." Bast grinned. "I was just thinking I need a night of revelry."

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