Clean Up

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"Not I!" Mardichi complained. "Me ale willna drink itself back at the Driter's Den." He waved behind him as he began the trek back. His back bled badly and both arms were a mass of bite marks.

"Leave him." Deragan said, shaking his head. "I'll help you."

"I must return." Acharius said.

"Go." Deragan agreed. Nodding.

Once they'd gone, Tev turned and lowered to sit on the bloodied grass. Staring mournfully between two naked bodies.

Deragan put a hand on his shoulder. "Which ones?"

"Gray and Pitch."

"Sorry, Brother." He consoled. Understanding this was two of Teverius' Demon Dogs.

Tev mourned them in silence awhile.

Deragan and Sebastian let him.

After a time, he rose.

Together, Bast, Deragan and Teverius dragged the bodies off and called Mardichi back just before daylight to light them afire.


WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country

"Elsabet." Sebastian called from the bottom of the stairs.


"Come have breakfast with me."

"Go rot!"

It's not a totally unfamiliar argument of late. Bast groaned inwardly.

"I'll have breakfast with you." Lucien came down the stairs.

No. Go away. Bast gave him a withering look.

"You're ugly. I'm trying to get a beautiful woman down here."

Lucien laughed at his unusually frustrated tone. "You think me ugly?" He feigned a wounded expression.

Bast gave him a sour look.

"Just eat with me." Lucien's shoulders slumped. "I'm dreadfully bored here. All I do all day is listen to you two fight for entertainment."

"It's not fighting when she won't answer me."

"No but it turns into such when you continue prodding her for acknowledgement."

Well, if she didn't ignore me. I wouldn't prod her.

"How long are you going to be upset?" He called to her. Hand resting on the railing and his booted foot on the bottom step as he proceeded to raise the household. Regardless of the fact it was only first light.

She's awake. She's always awake as soon as the sun rises.

Save for after a night of hard loving. He remembered how heavily she'd slept as he'd stared out the window at the ridge of Meadow Mountain before deciding he wouldn't release her.

A decision which she's yet to recover from.

"What is she upset about?" Lucien wondered.

Bast's gaze slid sideways. He drew a steadying breath, head lowered as he hesitated to answer. "I won't let her go."

"You've always told her you wouldn't let her go. Why would she suddenly think you should?"

Bast kept his head ducked in some awkward cross between shame and annoyance. Blue-green eyes unblinking as he eyed Lucien sideways.

"Something changed? Oh! Something changed. You finally? It took-You? No..." Lucien shook his head adamantly as Bast opened his mouth to answer.

Lucien turned on his heel and headed for the Dining Hall. "I'll be eating. I don't wish to hear of your exploits...Or lack thereof." He called over his shoulder.

Lack thereof would be closer to truth. And though Bast would've guessed he'd be tormented less by her delicious body after having seen it, he was very mistaken.

She's intoxicating. Now I think of nothing else.

And the ache below his belt was not eased when he often heard the subtle splashing from the Flood Room below and knew she bathed nude down there. Water dripping over that pretty figure.

He swallowed at the thought. Shifting his breeches in discomfort. "Elsabet!" He snapped.


"Don't make me..."

Use my voice.

"Don't do it!"

"Come down here!"

There was a long pause and he wondered if she mulled it over, but he soon realized she was hoping he'd go away.

When has that ever worked?

"If you don't come down here, I'm coming up to get you." He changed tactics.

"No, you're not!"

Yes, I am!

"Yes, he will!" Lucien warned. Shouting loud enough for her to hear.

But Bast was already on the stairs. Taking them two at a time.

He stepped to her closed chamber door. "Open it."

"I will not!"

"Open it." His hands worked fists as he forced his tight voice to not rise. "Or I'll turn it into kindling." He slapped his palms to either side of the door. Eyes flashing gold as he fought for control.

We need to talk. We're going to talk!

"Could you-" A bleary eyed Alazareth stepped into the hall to demand his brother shut up so he could sleep another hour. But seeing him at the valkyrie's chamber door hands parallel his lowered head. And gold eyes sliding warningly his direction, Alazareth sighed heavily. Grumbling he'd get his boots, he headed back to his chamber. Recognizing he'd not reason with Bast in his current state.

"Why do you let her goad you, Bast?" Alazareth muttered down the hallway. "No one else bothers you."

"Not right now, Alazar!" He hissed through teeth. "Elsabet. Last time."


He shattered the door.

She'd pushed the armoire before the door, and it toppled with a crash as he came through.

"Did he kill her?" Lucien called from downstairs at the heavy bang.

Bast descended on her like a thundercloud.

"No!" She waved her hands before her. "Go away!" She backed to the wall. Kicking things along the floor, at him.

He dodged them and continued stepping purposefully. "I will not!" He shouted. Not stopping until nose-to-nose with her. His body against hers as his chest rose, pressing her neck and chin. Forcing her face up to look at him.

Alazareth's boots thunked over the red and gold carpeting of the corridor until level with the door. "Not yet." He called down to Lucien. "But it looks like he's prepared to."

"Go away!" Bast snapped.

Alazareth grunted and finished down the hall. "He very well may." He shouted as he thudded downstairs.

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