Mostly Jesting

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Sebastian was still strung out on the bed, awaiting her response to his critical question.

She opened her mouth to answer but Sebastian looked to his side and low, as he focused on something he was picking up on.

A ripple of energy. It was the familiar old dizziness that overtook him. But with his body so weak, it was especially brutal.

A call.

Who? Who's calling me?

"Bast, I need you." Acharius' voice.

Sebastian blew a few steadying breaths and forced his energy beyond the ache of his body, to respond. Not today, my friend. I fear I cannot get to you.

If you've need of me, you'll have to come home.

There was a long silence.

Probably surprise. I can't remember ever giving such a response.

"I will come to you." He heard him say.

Do you need me to send Rhyers to you? Bast queried.


He paused and drew his mind from Acharius'. Sending out his spirit to scan Mane Country.

Rhyers's house. Empty.

Marshall Manse. Where he often lurks when home in Mane.

There was a responding energy.

A-ha. There you are.

Rhyers sat on a white settee. Laughing with his friend. A bright grin splitting his face. Which made dimples appear in his cheek.

"Rhyers." Sebastian said aloud. Lips moving quietly as he felt himself already weakening as he sent out the message.

Rhyers stiffened. Leaning forward to set down a glass of port.

Yes? Rhyers's familiar drawl.

Would you go to Acharius in the caves? He needs help.

Yes. Rhyers stood. His white wig carefully in place as he murmured farewell to his friend, Samuel and strode through Marshall Manse, darting through the foyer and out across the expansive lawns.

I'm on my way. Rhyers told him.

I know. Sebastian left Rhyers, left Mane Country.

His spirit flew over the Paladine Peaks and Grier to delve into Merwood in the Dread Hideout. Acharius?


He's coming your way. Bast told him.

Thank you, Brother. Acharius murmured gratefully. Ending their mental link.

Bast nodded, but before he could whisper an answer he felt himself lifted by the collar of his tunic. Blinking blearily, he opened his eyes and found a gorgeous face dominated by furious stormy blue eyes.

"Hello, My Sweet." He risked saying.

Elsabet was nearly shivering with rage. "You are not lying in this bed trying to heal and still, moving energy to help them?"

"Perhaps?" He grinned shamefully.

She snarled. Lips curling back to reveal pointed teeth and her eyes burned like hot coals.

"You're so beautiful when you smile." He joked in a wary voice. "It was only just calling to them. I'm not going."

"I wouldn't let you."

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