What of Calisto?

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"Think he killed her?" Rhyers breathed, daring to ask the question they both wondered. Rhyers leaned forward, waiting for Bast's answer.

"Not a chance." Bast said dully. "She's too valuable to him."

In-case Raese ever returns.

Or to use against Chavias...Bast remembered the vision he'd seen in the globe so many years ago. Telling him about Chavias' fall. I could've done more. If I'd known it'd be then...

"She'd never give in to him."

"So, he'd rather torture her indefinitely." Bast said dully.

Her and Chavias, no doubt. Bast choked on the distaste running through him at the thought of his old friends.

The subject made a lump of emotion in his throat. I need to discuss something else.

"How is Mardichi?" Bast said randomly. Throwing Rhyers off-guard. "We talk very little anymore, as you well know."

"No one talks to him much anymore since he found that little mate of his."

"Since the Alpha approved of the lovers." A smile teased at Bast's lips. Happiness for his brethren.

"At least he's not so bloody wretched all the time." Bast laughed trying to hide the wave of emotion he felt at the idea that Mardichi might finally get to be happy.

After so much misery.

"No." Rhyers frowned. "He is eerily giddy. Like a tutelage girl, he'd say, were it one of us."

Sebastian shook his head laughingly.

"Lass, he'd say." Bast corrected. "That he would. Well, I'm happy for him."


Elsabet woke this morning, to discover a rabbit cowering under the draping coverlet next to her bed. Whiskers twitching and huge brown eyes intent on her. So adorable she immediately leaned over to sweep him up to cuddle her shoulder. But looking at him she realized he was white and covered in hair so dense it nearly stuck straight out.

By far the fluffiest of his kind.

"Fluffy bunny..." She echoed aloud, face hardening as it leapt from her arms and fled to a far corner.

His presence here was Sebastian's challenge. Sighing as she decided, she eased from the coverlet and climbed from bed.

Crouching, she whispered. "I'm sorry Friend. Forgive me, my pride." In a smooth leap she sprung. Wings carrying her to drop on her prey, talons flexed. She snapped its neck to save it suffering.


As Bast climbed the stairs, he smiled at the joke he'd played. He'd found it hunting this morning. Ridiculously adorable thing.

Immediately recalling her words. 'Bring me some fluffy bunny.' He'd been unable to resist. Does she even remembers saying it?

Has she befriended the little meal or is it even now quaking under her bed from her infuriated ranting?

"Elsabet." He called, knocking on the door before turning the pushing the handle.

"Come in." She called softly. Surprisingly accommodating.

If she'd only call me to her bed so invitingly. Those lovely bright blue eyes melting with desire...His pleasant thoughts came to an abrupt halt at the sight welcoming him. She sat on the edge of her bed in a white gown. Places at the shoulder and knee saturated in blood. She blinked innocently at him as if unaware of the fluid seeping from her lips to dribble down her chin.

It was a rather gruesome sight. Obviously intended to horrify him.

"Ah. I see you found lunch." He smiled coldly, not missing a beat. "I'd so hoped you'd enjoy the gift."

Poor bunny. He was instantly remorseful at its untimely death. For no reason. Not even as a meal.

She deflated and smoothed her gown.

And a point for me, Little Harpie. He noted in satisfaction.

Approaching her he said "Ah, My Dear...You've something just..." He used his thumb to brush the trail of blood from her chin and across her lips. "Here." Drawing a satin kerchief from his pocket he applied it liberally to her shoulder. "And here." Brushing her breast made her stiffen. "And a wee smidge here." He touched the cloth to where her gown melded the inside of one thigh under a significant damp patch.

She swatted him off. "Cease your pawing. You've made your point."

"Oh, I don't mind." He paused with the sopping handkerchief gripped lightly in his fingers. He stared down at her. "Do you know how breathtaking you are?"

"You're trying to infuriate me." She grated out.

Absolutely. And it's working.

"That fact makes it no less the truth." Shocking her, he caught her small, pointed chin in his hand to turn her face up, so he could inspect the depths of her face. "Ah. There is guilt. You do feel remorse for feasting on the little animal. Hmm." He said thoughtfully.

Pity her pride is more powerful than her compassion.

She'll regret it later.

He wandered to the corner table and moved a vase and a small ceramic figurine. "Worry not, he'd have been my lunch if not yours."

It was my fault for bringing him here. You needn't dwell on the misery you'll feel later. He sighed.

She rolled her eyes and scoffed.

He returned to stand over her. "It is interesting that there's such a tender little heart in you. No wonder you're always on guard. Must be a delicate matter to keep it so carefully guarded."

He saw pain flash in her eyes and new he was on the mark. Finally, getting somewhere.

Mouth tight and eyes flashing in fury she leapt from the bed. Shoving him back a step as she drew a dagger. Already covered in her last victim's blood.

Where'd you get that?

"Did you cut out its heart?"

She snarled and held it up threateningly. "I will yours!"

He lifted a brow and stared at her calmly. "That might prove more difficult than expected."

"I doubt that."

He shot her a warning look. "Never doubt me Elsabet."

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