Nightmarish Thing

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It was the answer she hadn't given.

She hadn't said anything. She'd locked her lips and continued the lovemaking until bringing him to a violent end. A burning climax that made his sac feel like it exploded with sensation as the tingling rolled up the base of him and poured sweet relief into her.

She'd showered soft kisses along his face and near his ear. Putting a kiss so hard against his cheek, that he felt the burn of what he was sure, was hot tears. Though she kept her face down enough he couldn't see. When he tried to lift her chin, she ducked his hand. Working herself more ferociously over him until bringing him to that fine finish that was always followed by a rush of exhaustion that sent him melting into the sheets.

Her coaxing touch and gentle loving had sent him off into the most peaceful Knight's Sleep he'd had in years.

By the time he awoke, he was sure he'd been out for at least two days.

It was now evening again.

But definitely not the same night I fell asleep. He felt far too refreshed for that to be.

He felt the tiny feminine body curled against his back and the soft breaths along his neck, which made him wish that he could stay there forever.

Never move from this spot again.

One delicate arm was slung over his side and a leg draped along his outer thigh.

He couldn't resist a brush along it to feel her skin.

She was all velvety softness.

Sighing, he gingerly eased from the warmth of that bed. Stunned by the heat he could feel there. Once he left it, that usual numbness returned. The steady cold that wafted over him.


Sebastian had left that room as quietly as he'd exited any of them. Within an hour, he was pacing the expansive Dining Hall. Moving within the distorted sunlight which seeped through the walls of rivers, and into the long windows of the Hall. Brightening the room in a wash of white light which illuminated his shadow crossing the tasseled yellow rug. His boots thudded the same as they had been for several minutes now. He'd walked in, held out his hands and opened his mouth to speak. Trying to rehearse what he might say.

He'd realized the words were wrong and quieted. That was he'd begun pacing. Trying to organize his jumbled thoughts.

How do I propose it?

He'd been considering the suggestion he was about to propose to her.

He waved his hands before him. Thrusting a hand through his hair.

"What is wrong? Why is this so difficult!" He expostulated.

That was when he heard a small indrawn breath.

He finally looked up and found Elsabet staring at him from across the table. A fork heaped with eggs partway to her mouth. Her lips separated as she observed him through huge blue eyes. Clearly so absorbed in his frantic behavior she was suspended mid-bite.

"You can assist your prince by simply uniting with me." He blurted. Forgetting to ask when she came in. Forgetting to question why she wasn't upset he'd crept from her bed.


He groaned inwardly. I'd intended far more aplomb.

He'd been trying to think of a way to present to her the idea he'd been building.

She'd come here all those years ago, on a mission. In truth, he didn't even know if she still cared about that mission.

She was so determined when she came.

But that was nearly two decades ago.

She had wanted Sebastian's pendant to provide to her prince back on the isle of Wight.

Iceron. That was what she had called him.

She came here for him.

Sebastian no longer believed he was a lover, but she had been loyal to him. That was something Sebastian still wasn't sure she was, to him.

That's not fair. A small voice in his head reminded him of her infinite kindness last night. Despite that I'd thought it was a trap.

She had even come in here this morning, seemingly unangered by the fact that he'd snuck down here without so much as kissing her goodbye.

I didn't want to wake her.

Not true. I wanted to think of a way to ask.

"There'd be no need to steal from me." He floundered to explain.

"We both benefit." He rushed on. Hands outstretched as he fought to find a logical way of describing his desire to her. "If you were to take my name, become my wife...I would give you everything. I'd hang the stars for your happiness."

He wanted to tell her how he felt about her. How she consumed him. But he was too afraid of her spite, or worse, her laughter if he were to confess it.

She blinked at him now. Blonde brows slowly lifting.

"Say something!"

She closed her mouth and lowered her fork. Still not speaking.

"Be my mate. Walk with me for centuries. Join yourself with me." He coaxed.

Marry me. Those were the words he wanted to use.

She stared at him a long while before her face was wiped of any expression. "Never."

She dropped her head to take another bite. Chewing, as her gaze dropped to her trencher.

He felt like he'd been hit in the stomach. The air knocked from him as he slid into a chair at the table. Down the long table on the same side as her. The chair turned to face her as he confronted her. "Why not?"

"I'll never wed again. Never align myself with a man, again." Her grip was white knuckled on the platter before her.

"Why not! I'm nothing like him."

"I know."

She's upset with me again. He blew a frustrated breath. Floundering. Perhaps pursuing this reckless course, had been unwise.

"But last night..."

Was amazing. Emotional. Deeply touching. He couldn't find the right words to describe it.

"Was a momentary weakness." She dismissed without looking up.

It was a bit more than that! He winced at her harsh words. Nothing about you was weak.

She'd expertly kissed, nibbled, and sucked on his body until he was on fire with desire. Turning me to clay in her hands.

"It won't be the last." He murmured, rising to hide his pain. He exited the room wanting to be alone to lick his wounds. Already, he was feeling his body spiking with heat at the mere memory of how she'd been last night. He'd wanted more. Much more.

But today she's as cold as ice.

As if it never happened.

He was confused beyond belief. She'd been so warm and alive and kind. How could it all just be washed away. He'd expected some horrible turn last night. But there wasn't.

She hadn't even asked him to leave this morning.

He had wanted to take her out with him this morning, and he would've done it had she agreed to be his.

I would've given her all my trust. I would've freed her from being my captive.

But she'd called it a moment of weakness.

Fine. It won't be your last, woman. He vowed it, to himself. Pausing on the bottom step to cast her one last yearning look.

He saw her staring at the food on her fork and not moving. Like she was a million miles away.

To wherever she was when every nightmarish thing had happened to her.

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