He's Here for You

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Bast shifted uncomfortably. "I ran into a few Targue the last time I came through."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"I lured them out."

"And likely nearly killed yourself, didn't you?"

"You're sounding more like more valkyrie, everyday." Sebastian shifted uncomfortably.

Acharius' eyes rounded as a new concern entered his mind. "Where did you find Chavias?"

"Watching you." Bast admitted.

Flinching, Acharius reached for Chastain's hand. As if to reassure them both.

It was an eerie realization for them all.

Chavias was hunting. They all knew it.

For Radix.

Sebastian could see the shame on Acharius' face. He'd been too absorbed with the woman next to him, to be alert to his surroundings.

He usually is. But Sebastian knew he'd beat himself anyway.

The redhead, stared up at Acharius adoringly. Squeezing his large hand as if to tell him it would be okay.

They are beautiful together. Bast thought. He wished for all the world, he didn't have to tell Acharius the rest.

I have to. He needs to know or he won't be as careful.

"He says when he returns someone will die."

Acharius' pain was written over his features. He took a dizzied step back. "I suppose that means me?"

Bast blanched.

"He saw her?" Acharius asked gravely worried for the shining woman he defended.

Bast nodded.

Acharius' gaze fell before slipping to Chastain.

It was the worst kind of shame. All Acharius thought about was his duty to protect his artifacts and his loyalty to the two old ladies he'd raised from childhood, as his own daughters.

But with this woman, he'd finally found what he'd searched for.

Bast knew what Acharius would do, now that he was threatened.

He'll try to chase her off.

It was heart wrenchingly. The loneliness of Forever Knights was piercing, deep and agonizing.

He found her. But now he could never have her.

Chastain's green eyes assessed Acharius worriedly. It was clear she didn't fully understand.

Acharius squared his huge frame. Locking his broad shoulders as he sought to make light of it. "He was always a better friend to you."

Sebastian gave a rough chuckle. Trying to buy into the humor to reassure Chastain.

The pretty woman had glanced from Acharius to Bast at the sound of his laughter.

Oh, no. Bast deflated.

She sucked in a quick breath. Melting into his gaze. Unable to help herself from reaching to caress a reverent hand through the sweeping waves of his gold hair. Her hand rolling over his shoulder and down his bicep, as if to test the muscles there.

Acharius frowned. Placing a palm over her hand to push it down before her caress could continue anywhere else.

The viking's touch seemed to wrench her from the daze.

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