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Ashley POV

"Aiden come on baby we don't want to be late to see daddy" I yell out into the house. Today was visitation day and we needed to head out like 10 minutes ago. His mother came into town to see him and I planned on letting her take the kids to the park or something while I had a private visit with Israel to talk about the divorce.

"Don't yell out for him like that Ashley that might be hurting his ears." Israel's mother says coming back into the house. That's one thing I can't stand. I understand I need to accommodate to my child's needs but he is partially deaf in one ear not sound sensitive. He doesn't even know about his ear and people say I am insensitive for calling out to him across the house.

"Here I come mommy"  he runs from the back of the house to me. We all walk outside as I make sure their outfits are neat even though they'll probably mess them up from just sitting in the car. Today I let them pick their own outfits out but of course I helped them so that they weren't looking crazy. Aiden was wearing a pair of medium washed jeans and a dinosaur shirt with a pair of air maxes.  While Kehlani on the other hand is wearing a yellow overall dress with a white shirt underneath and a pair of sandals.

"Grandma we go see my daddy! Come on" lani yells through the car door as I buckle her in.

"I'm coming girl." She laughs as she climbs in the passenger seat.

"Everybody ready ?" I ask before they say yes and we make our way to the prison. It was about a hour and a half to two hour drive depending on the day so I made sure the kids ate before hand and had toys. And as soon as I stepped out the car I realized a problem... I had on a damn dress. A short wrap dress at that. Only thing I remembered was my wedding ring. Already annoyed I feel my phone ding.

Message from Uncle Alexei

: Spoke with Warden Brownstein. Officer Wilson Will be expecting you.

I let out a breath as I apply some gloss to my lips and spray some good girl perfume on my neck.

After years of trying to contact this ugly ass warden he finally answers. That means somebody's money is running short so he is willing to take ours instead.

"Don't worry mommy, daddy thinks your pretty" Aiden says to me as he hugs my waist.

"Thank you baby" I bend down and kiss his forehead. Lani fell back asleep on the way here so sharon was busy trying to wake her.

" how do you feel? Do you want me to turn it down ?" I check his hearing aid to make sure he will be comfortable.

"It's okay can I take it out until we get to daddy it's too loud in there" he asks as I shake my head yes before taking it out and placing it in it's case. Being that I can't break the rules too much I had to leave pretty much everything in the car. I made sure to keep his case though because I'll fight if they act how they did the first few times.

As we walk through security to check in , I hand the receptionist my id before she makes a call. I take a look at a drowsy Lani in Sharon's arms before looking at Aiden who is holding onto my hand. He doesn't like it here I can tell by his body language. Even though he tells me he wants to see his dad I know he hates coming here.

"Mrs. James" I turn to see an officer coming out.

"Officer Wilson I presume" I shake his hand

"Yes, right this way" he says as i leads us the normal way past the visitation room and into a room where they would meet privately with their lawyers.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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