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Ashley POV

"Damn all these snacks" Izzy looked around the large snack pantry.

" gotta keep this little girl fed" I said to get under his skin. He turned around and looks at me before grabbing a basket I have in the pantry to grab slot of snacks at one time.

" why you think we having a little girl. I told you we having a boy." He said so sure

"Honestly I don't care what the gender is as long as they are a health I'm good." I state before grabbing myself a basket. Izzy grabbed the basket from my hand making me like at him funny

" I got it go find something to watch. I'll get some of everything." He said. I don't know why he thinks I'm handicap but I'm not about to argue with him. I head towards my living room turning on my large flat screen tv that's mounted on the wall. Going to Netflix i browsed through everything not knowing to watch a show or movie.

"Israel..." I yell. " show or movie"

He comes into sight with the two baskets and two bottles of apple juice as well as water.

" let's watch a show so if we can have something to watch when I'm ova here" he says sitting down on the other side of the sectional.

" okay what you like to watch" I ask

"Don't matter just as long as it's not no pretty little liars or nun I can't do it" he say exaggeratedly

" what you know about that I say grabbing two throw blankets from the basket at the end of my sectional giving him one before laying down on the L part of the couch.

" my lil sister would make me watch that shit." He say as we laugh. We end up settling on the show You and he had me dying in laughter throughout the first two episodes. By the third one I guess we was both knocked out because I woke up to a phone vibrating.

" get your phone ash" Izzy states rolling over I look at my phone to see it's not mine as the vibration continues

" nigga it's not mine" I say laying back down as he groans to pick up his phone.

"What" he answers his phone. I instantly hear a woman cursing him out causing me to laugh trying to cover my mouth a few escape.

" ma I'm sorry I was sleep... I didn't know" he apologizes to his mother

" I'm with Ashley right now" he says causing me to peak my head over "naa she sleep" I look confused then I hear her say " I just heard laughing she ain't no sleep" Laughing again he says okay then hands me the phone. I look at him like his head grew tentacles and walked away.

" she wants to speak" he says. We go back and forth for a minute until he forced it in my hand

" hello" I say sweetly to her while looking at him rudely as he laughs

" hey love I just wanted to speak to you since my son doesn't relay the messages."she says

" I'm sorry what messages" I say as he asks me what

"See what I'm saying. Anyways i wanted to get your number so I can get to know you without my son being a middle man. I would like I be able to call you directly and check on my grand baby because my big headed son doesn't call me and god knows how long it'll take him to bring you to meet me."I laugh at her bluntness

" well we were planning on coming up there as soon as both of our schedules allow us too and I'll have him send you my number so you can call whenever you like" I say back to her

"Alright love let me talk to that boy of mine"

"Yes ma'am it's was nice talking to you" I hand the phone back to Izzy laughing and shaking my head

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