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Ashley POV

I wake from my sleep by the sound of the room door opening. I slowly open my eyes to see Izzy walking in and going into his closet. This past week he has been staying in the one of the other rooms and coming back in the mornings so that his parents dont realize that he isn't staying in the house. I really don't care if they know or not so i offered to pack up and go back to my apartment once again but he insisted that i stayed.

I get out of bed slowly leaning over placing my hands over my face sending a short prayer to god. I've been trying to stay stress free and calm for the sake of the baby and i's health. Its been easier being that everyone has been trying to keep me distracted.

I take the time to make up the bed before walking into the bathroom not realizing Israel was getting into the shower.

"oh im sorry" i jump back a little before going over to the sink and begin my hygiene routine. By the time i finished, he was still in the shower so i go ahead and head out of the room. As i walk towards Aidens room i bump into Ms.Sharon... coming out of Rodneys room.

"oh hey baby" she states smiling. I couldnt help but to smile and raise my eyebrow at her.

"hey ma... you look like you had a good night" i state taking note of her wild hair and tight robe.

"you didn't see anything" she says as i hold in my laughter

"see what? Im not sure what you're referring to" i state before walking past her and into Aidens room seeing that he is still asleep being that it is only 7:30. I slowly exit his room before quietly traveling down the stairs and going into the kitchen to make my smoothie. I cringe as i press the blend button causing the blender to sound in the house. After a few more loud pulses, i have a nice smoothie. I grab my new yoga mat and head outside by the pool to start my daily routine that i have started. i dont know why i haven't started anything like this before. My body has been feeling better and overall it clears my mind for the time being.

"you know its rude to stare" i say to Izzy who is standing with his hands in his pants pockets as i go into a position that stretches the inside of my thighs. Yall dont understand how great it feels. I watch him from the corner of my eye as he takes a seat in one of the pool chairs.

"im was just curious as to why you been getting up all early... you not tired?" he says looking at me.

"nope. I honestly dont think ive ever had this much energy before" i state before going into another pose. "if you gone be out here you might as well join me" i say to him as he takes a sip of my smoothie.

"naa im good ma im just making sure you'n hurt yo self" he says as my phone begins to ring.

"who is calling me this early " i say as he brings the phone over before answering and placing it on speaker. "well goodmorning, Christian" i say to my little brother who is supposed to be getting ready for school.

"hey Ash Bash im just checking on you and the baby" he say through the phone.

"we are fine. Im just doing some yoga" i say putting my legs in a butterfly position.

"could you give me Izzys number i got something i want to talk to him about" he asks

"he's actually right here ill have him send it to you but why are you not at school" i ask

"i actually am. I had morning practice. Its fine if i stop by after?" he asks before he begins talking to someone in the background. "alright sis i gotta go, love you"

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