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STILL #1 IN #babymama!!

Ashley POV

"Aiden Santana James" Bri says looking at the new born baby in her arms " hi cutie I'm auntie Bri". I smile as I eat some the food Sharon snuck in here for me.

"Ashley go ahead and get some sleep I got him" Israel says coming out of the restroom from showering. It's a little over 8 am and I haven't had a drop of sleep.  So I listen to him and lay down and easily fall asleep.

I wake up to Izzy and King talking lowly on the other side of the room as Aiden begins to whine slightly in izzys arms.

There is a few knocks on the door before a nurse walks in.

" hi how are you. I hope I didn't wake up" she says washing her hands

" I'm here to assist you with getting your baby to breast feed" she says causing israel to bring him over. It didn't take much of her assistance for Aiden to quickly latch on and begin eating.

"Seems as though some one was hungry." The nurse chuckles as my son falls right back asleep. She soon leaves and Maya walks in joining the three of us.

"Hi parents" she says with gifts in hand. We all greet her as King gives her a peck before she comes over to me

"How you feel mommy" she says hugging me

" I'm fine now. Glad he's here already." I say honestly. Had she asked me that a few hours ago I would've chopped her head off.

"Wow he's is so handsome" she says looking at him in my arms. I look down taking in his features once again. He was so little weighing at 6 lbs and 5 ounces. His little cheeks were the cutest things and don't get me started on his hands. Israel noticed he was sleeping and decided to take him from my arms and place him in the  bassinet.

" I'm sorry I haven't really been here for you during your pregnancy like Bri or Paris has. I feel like I haven't been there for you as a friend" she says looking down.

" I forgive you Maya I really needed to hear that. I wasn't sure where we stood. I felt like you were slowly distancing yourself from me and that felt terrible" I told her truthfully

" I'm sorry. I would never do you like that" she says before she hugs me.

" so you and Zonnique are friends..." I say curiously. I honestly never got to ask her about it so I wanted to know.

"We were... I don't know if we are now" she chuckles.

" why what happened" I asked my friend

" well at your baby shower she caught a attitude and was like that you was an attention seeker and you know I'm not with all that disrespectful shit" she says " and I'm sorry about that too... I didn't worry if that would affect you before putting you in that situation." She apologizes again

" Maya you are grown. I can't tell you who and who not to befriend but if she sitting up there talking about somebody who event she at then ain't no telling who she'll talk about" I tell her. After that everyone else that was here during labor began to pile back into the room. They all had went home to get some rest. As they began talking my mom came over to me.

" the priest is on his way, love" she says rubbing my hair that had fell out of it pony tail. It was a tradition in my family to have our priest come bless the baby as soon and they were born so I was prepared.

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