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Ashley POV

These last few weeks have been going pretty good. Israel and i haven't been communicating about anything except for the baby and just small talk getting familiar with each other which is fine. Alek gets back from Russia in a few days and wants them two to have a proper introduction. Of course im bringing mom because she is the only thing that can keep him calm. One thing is that he will never show his ass infront of mom.

Today we have a monthly checkup so Israel will be meeting me at Dr.Jackie's office. So i start my day with a bit of online shopping for the baby as well for me because ill be needing some dresses to slip on if i keep eating the way I've been. Within 2 hours i am dressed in a simple hoodie, tights, air force 1s and a slick back bun to go. On my way out i grab me a container of grapes, a yogurt, and my large water bottle to eat my second breakfast (the healthy one). I also pack snacks into my purse because i get hungry pretty often.

i pull up to the doctors next to an all back hellcat. Paying no mind to it i look at my phone seeing Izzy texted me that he was there five minutes ago. Grabbing my water and purse i head out my car. The hell cat next to me windows roll down and i see Izzy saying give him a second. He then turns the engine off and hops out of the car leading the way into the office. Opening the door for me i give him a small thank you before reaching the receptionist. Giving her my name and her letting me know we were all checked in.

Looking in my large purse i pull out a granola bar.

" do you want one" i offer Izzy a granola bar since it was still early on.

"Nah im good ma" he declines, licking his lips going back to his phone

"you sure i got fruitrollups,  gummies, and gushers." i look at him

"let me get the gushers" he smiles as i smile back reaching my large Chanel bag pulling out two bags of gushers and a mini water bottle.

"i know they be getting to sweet sometimes" i wink at him as he thanks me.

"Ashley Ford" The nurse calls with her mac book in hand. Stuffing my granola in my bag i get up as Izzy tries to grab my hand like cripple person.

"im fine i can still move as on now boo." i say to him laughing. the nurse shows us to the room and closes the door. i see izzy sitting with the snack opened looking confused.

"can i eat this in here?" he whispers.

"idk you might want to hurry up Dr. Jackie will be in here any second." i say before he hands me the trash to put in my purse as soon as there's a knock at the door. I bust into laughter as he freezes mouth full of gusher standing beside me giving me trash to stuff in my purse.

"How are we doing today Mommy?" she asks as she steps in stopping in her track seeing Izzy turn around. Mouth still full of gushers.

"you must be dad" she holds her hand out for a shake as he does the same. "Its okay i can't stop you now its already in your mouth." she says causing me to laugh even more and tears to fall down my face. Calming down Dr. Jackie washes her hands and Izzy is now sitting in the seat closest to the examination table.

"okay lets check on baby" Dr. Jackie says. "for a better view you might want to stand on the other side of mom , dad." she says causing him to hop up and scoot in closer to me. As she rubs the gel and monitor along my stomach causing the screen to show my womb.

"what is that" Izzy asks trying to understand.

"that is the baby... right now they are about as big as a lemon... and that is the heartbeat" the room went silent as the baby's heartbeat blares throughout the room. I look up to izzy to see him in awe as he looks at the screen that shows our child. My eyes begin to water once again as i look at the child that i am carrying.

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