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Ashley POV

Last thing i remember was crying in Izzys arms. As i wake up i take in the unfamiliar room. Getting up i open the door attached to the room in hopes that it is a restroom. Finding out that it is i rush into the bathroom to release my full blatter. As i finish, i see a shirt and pair of basketball shorts on the sink along with a tooth brush and tooth paste. Making a mental note to thank him later i turn on the shower before taking care of my hygiene. Walking out of the room i make my way to the nearest room, i hope that its Izzys. Im starving and dont want to just start cooking in somebody kitchen. Knocking two times i hear him say come in. As i enter i see him shirtless rolling up.

" umm i wanted to see if it was fine for me to cook" i say trying to ask as nicely as possible.

"you'n gotta ask gone head" he says as i nod my head exiting the room.

I make my way down stairs relying on my little knowledge of the house to navigate my way to the kitchen. As i enter the kitchen i turn on the lights and wash my hands. I preheat the oven and begin my meal. I quickly settle on shrimp and grits with roasted potatoes and homemade biscuits. As i place the biscuits in the oven place the grits on the stove making sure to put some salt and butter inside until they finish. Taking a quick brake i clean the small mess i made making the kitchen return to it cleanliness. I then place the diced potatoes on a baking sheet with some olive oil and spices before placing them in the oven. Noticing that the shrimp are finished thawing i take them out and begin seasoning them. After seasoning them i cut up some onions and green bell peppers. After sautéing the shrimp i make the gravy and let that simmer. By now i add some cheese to the grits and stir them before they return on the stove so they dont cook up. I take out the biscuits allowing them to rest as i make a honey butter sauce. By this time Izzy comes down stairs and sits at the island. I got ahead and fix him a healthy plate and sit it down in front of him before giving him some orange juice and silverware.

"mannn i knew you could cook" he said as i fixed myself a plate

"how you figure?"i ask picking up a biscuit.

"cause your moms can cook her ass off and if you couldn't i would've been upset with her" he said making me laugh before i sit down next to him at the island and say a small grace.

"well is it good" i ask looking at him. I haven't cooked for anyone other than my friends in a while.

"is it?" i laugh "i haven't had no real food since last time i seen my mom which was like a min ago" i was a little confused because he had a whole girl and yet he is saying he hasn't had no real food. Pushing it to the back of my head i begin to eat.   We eat in silence before i get up and begin to grab my plate to wash it only for Izzy to stop me.

"you good i got it" he says taking the empty plate from my hands.

"no its fine" i say before reaching for it once again only for him to move towards the sink. I shake my head before going back to the room  to grab the car keys so that i could go grab some of the new clothes i bought yesterday.  After coming back into the house i tie a scarf around my head that i had in my purse. Due to Israel letting me fall asleep without anything protecting my hair, my leave out doesn't look its best. I spend the majority of my time talking to the girls and my mom as they all were worried about my well being. I made my mind up that id stay with my mom because i didn't want to invade his space any longer, so id leave later on.

"babe" i hear a female voice yell as the door slams. Jesus... here we go. Hopefully this girl doesn't start anything with me, i really dont feel like the mess today.

"oh... hi" she says to me being that the room door is open and this room is the first room when you get on the second floor.

"hey, my name is Ashley" i say politely smiling at her before walking towards her and extending my hand out for a shake. She looks down at my hand like it had a disease.

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