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Ashley POV

The first thing I hear is the birds chirping signaling that it is morning again. As I open my eyes I realize my body is snuggled against another. I look up to see Izzy knocked out.  I slowly peal myself away as
I need to use the bathroom. My bladder is killing me. After making it away from the bed I pretty much run to the bathroom. As I wash my hands I hear Izzy on the phone from the bedroom.

"What" I hear his groggy voice say rudely

"The fuck you mean...I got other shit to handle and y'all playing with my money" he says. I walk back in the room to see him sitting over the side of the bed.

"You okay?" I ask tying up my robe

"Yeah... I just gotta go handle sum real quick" I look to him placing my hand on my hip "Ian gone miss the appointment girl chill out" he says referring to my doctors appointment today. I am just entering my 3rd trimester and due to my condition I will have to start seeing my physician more often which I'm fine with.

"Okay but don't be late..." I say coming closer to him. "Or this time I will gut you like a fish" I state kissing his forehead "let's shower" I say jolly.

"Youn even know how to gut nobody" he says walking behind me as I turn the shower on.

"Try me" I say with a smirk. After our steamy shower Israel began getting ready while I went and got Aiden from his room. I sat on the bed brushing his hair as I thought about his upcoming appointment. I had the hardest tine making an appointment with the hearing doctor about Aiden because I've been noticing how he reacts from his left ear.

"Uh oh dada" Aiden says as he drops his toy onto the floor.

"Mama right here bubby" I say before Israel comes out of his closet and picks up the toy. "Say thank you dada" I say as Aiden just babbles.

"You about to go?" I ask Israel as he puts on his black fitted tee.

"Yea ma" he says

"Okay well let me walk you out" I say as I climb from the bed and slip on my house shoes. Izzy then grabs Aiden from the bed and we make our way down the stairs. I watch as he grab the keys to his hell cat off of the key rack before heading to the garage.

"You got everything" I ask as I stand against the doorway.

"Yeah I'm good Ash" he says playing with Aiden

"Well alright baby I'll see you at 12" I say as I lean forward and plant a kiss on his lips before grabbing Aiden from his arms. I watch as he hops in the car before closing the door due to how loud his car is when you crank it. Plus I didn't want to scare Aiden.

Izzy POV


Niggas gone call me early in the morning talkin bout some product missing. How the fuck the shit we just got go missing when we supposed to send that shit out tonight.

I sped out of my driveway basically racing down the interstate so I can get to the warehouse in time to handle this shit.  Niggas gone quite fucking with me ima have to show them.

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