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R.I.P Chadwick Boseman 🤧🥺🙏🏽

I feel like the song LIKE I WANT YOU by GIVEON goes really well with the chapter.

Third POV

Izzy sits in the room tapping his foot in anticipation. A nurse came and got Ashley so they could run a few tests less than 20 minutes ago. He sat quietly as everything Ashley said replays in his head.

" I-I can't keep doing this." Ashley leans over the counter rubbing her stomach "we have another child on the way. Literally in a few months. You obviously don't realize the stress I'm under and you are never even here. Every time I try and tell you about it you not tryna hear it" Ashley says looking at izzy though the mirror

"Alright mom lets get you laying down" the nurse says as she rolls Ashley back into the room. Izzy hops up from the chair and helps her back into the bed. "The doctor should be in, in a second okay? If you need anything press this buttons right here." The nurse smiles before walking out.

"How you feel?" Izzy asks Ashley as she adjusts herself to get comfortable

"The pain has died down im just a bit nervous." She says looking down at her nails. Izzy stares at her taking in her appearance. Her thick hair is currently pulled up into a high bun, dark eyes have formed under her eyes, as well as the bridge of her nose had spread wider.

"Knock knock" the doctor says knocking on the door before coming in. The couple sat quietly as they waited for the doctors results. Ashley let go of the anger she felt and took Izzys hand in hers in anticipation.

"So the baby is completely fine it just seems as though you have been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions." The doctor says before they both lets out a large breath. "After reviewing your charts I do believe it's best you go light on any lifting, on your feet and anything that could rise your blood pressure since you are hyperglycemic. Because of the rate you are at you will be put on bed rest  by the beginning of your third trimester. We want a healthy delivery come time the baby is ready and not any time earlier."

"We have an 8 month old how would that work ?" Ashley says curiously.

"Well ma'am if course you'll still be able to take care of your other child but you'll need to keep track of your stress, trying not to pick your other child up as often. Mainly just keeping in mind your Unborn"

" I also want you to make more frequent trips to your primary care physician. So instead of every month around 2-3 times a month and when you get to the 8 month mark about every week or if needed more." The doctor says as Izzy runs his hand down his face. He couldn't help to feel as that this is his fault and this could've been avoided.

"Thank you" Ashley thanks the doctor before he exits out leaving the two alone.

"Ash..." Izzy speaks breaking the silence. "I'm sorry ma... I should've listened to you this shut my fault" he says as she peaks up at him.

" it's not... I shouldn't have let my self get that worked up I just been feeling real alone lately and I-" she chokes up as she tries to hold the tears in her eyes back.

"It's okay Ash it's not yo fault" Izzy moves onto the bed hugging her. "We gone figure this shit out. Ima make sure everything straight so I can spend more time with y'all at home and-" she cuts him off.

"I think I should still go back to my apartment. I know for a fact you aren't going to just drop Everything you are working on..." She says to him

"Ash I just told you we gone figure this shit out." He says

"And you've been saying that Israel I can't keep stressing myself or this baby out. We have to do what's best" she looks away as her voice cracks and a tear falls. She quickly wipes it away. Although Ashley doesn't want to leave the house there is so many reasons why she should. She understands that they haven't even been together a full year and already have two children and the way that things are going aren't for the best.

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