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Ashley POV

"Stoppp" I whine feeling light peaks on my collar bone. It's been a little over 2 weeks since we have made it official and it's safe to say we can't keep our hands off each other.

"Wake up then" Izzy says as I open my eyes. I'm tired as hell still and he acting like he ain't had my ass up all night.

"Okay but stop" I sit up grabbing the comforter to cover my naked body. "Somebody cooking?" I smell some food in the air

"Yeah I think my mom is" he says leaning back into the bed. Turning the tv on looking for something to watch.

" well I'm going to shower real quick" I regain my strength and walk into the large bathroom closing the door behind me. I step into the large walk in shower closing the glass door behind me before I turn the rain shower head. I allow my hair to get wet as I close my eyes letting the water heat up and fog the bathroom. I hear the door open signaling someone came into the shower with me then I feel a pair of arms go around my waist.

"No sir. I am not falling for it" I tell Izzy as I turn around pushing him away. As much as I enjoy pleasure my body can't take anymore.

"Man ain't nobody even tryna do nothin" he says walking over and grabbing his wash cloth as I begin lathering my body. Surprisingly we had a nice shower without having sex. We split as we go into our separate closets I slip on some compression shorts and a tee shirt after tying my wet hair up in a sloppy bun.

We walked out of the closets almost at the same time before exiting the room. He was dressed in a pair of jogger pants with a white tee shirt and some socks and slides.

As we walked downstairs I began to hear a nursery song playing as well as people talking. When we got closer I recognized one of the voices and instantly got happy.

"ALEK" I say loudly causing his, my mother and sharons head to turn. He has been pretty busy so I haven't gotten to see him as much as I would like to.

"Hi двоюродная сестра (cousin)" he says in Russian as he gives me a bear hug.

"Well hello to you mother as well" my mom says scoffing jokingly. She and Sharon have been hanging out more often. My mother never really had friends so it's nice to see her interacting with people other than Alek, my uncle and I.

"Hi mommy" I saw giving her a hug before Izzy comes behind me hugging her. I walk over to the play pin and pick Aiden up giving him kisses as he  squirms.

"Boy stop!" I hear Sharon say as I turn around with my baby in hand seeing Israel grabbing a piece of bacon from by the stove. I laugh as he comes over to me wrapping his arms around my waist before playing with Aiden. I forgot that everyone was right there until Alek spoke.

"Y'all look real comfortable" I look up to see the three people looking at us intently.

"Actually Alek." I start replying back to his smart comment. "We've decided to make it official" I say as the room got quiet which was scary. We havent necessarily told anyone (other than me telling Bri) but I'm pretty sure Sharon could tell and whatnot.

"Bout damn time." Sharon says causing everyone to laugh.

"Right. We knew it was going to happen soon" my mom says shocking me. I didn't think it was that obvious but I guess I was wrong. We then eat our little brunch talking and catching up with everyone which was nice.

"So what time does the swimming instructor come" my mom asks me. I told her I wanted to get Aiden some classes so she helped me find a great instructor that would come to the house.

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