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Ashley POV

"You sure you got everything" I ask Izzy one more time as he packs his bags into the back of the truck so he can head to the airport.

"Ash I told you the first five times you asked. I'm good ma" he says picking up his last bag

"Okay... well umm I seperated your clothes by bags so all your night clothes and underwear is in one bag, your shirts are in the red one and-" he cuts me off

"It's okay ash you told me all that last night" he says taking Aiden from my arms.

"Ima miss you lil man" he says holding Aiden up and hugging him. "Ima miss you too ma so stop looking like that" he hugs me before kissing my lips

"Call us as soon as you land" I says as he pulls away. I kinda have been stalling for the past 30 mins so he is a little behind schedule

"I will baby" he says hoping in the truck before he pulls off. I stand there for a moment before turning to go back into the house.

"Well what are we going to do cutie" I say to Aiden as I go into the living room and sit him on his tummy mat so I can clean to stop from being sad. I turn on pj masks and begin scrubbing everything in sight. I take breaks in between and feed Aiden and put him down for a nap before continuing.

I haven't really seen nick often since Izzy replaced him with some other dude the call Tough. He is okay but he doesn't talk the same way smiley doesn't. What the hell is up with Israel and leaving me with these people I can't have a conversation with.

"ASHLEY" I hear yelling from the front door. I smile as Bri and Paris come into view with food in their hands.

"Be quiet my baby sleeping" I finish sweeping the kitchen floor.

"I know you ain't in here sad cleaning" Paris says sitting down at the island. "It smells good though" she says looking at the candle that is burning.

"Come sit down Ash. I know you haven't eaten" Bri says opening the bag.

"Girl where y'all bathroom at in this castle?" Paris says

"It's down the hall on the right" I say taking water out the fridge.

"Ash I have never been here before. Come show me before I get lost and end up in the garage" I laugh at her before showing her to the powder room which is off the living room.

"Look what I brought" Bri holds up a bottle of wine God I haven't had a sip of wine in a while. One or two glasses won't hurt. Especially since I got hella milk in the fridge so I should be good.

"What did I miss" Paris comes back as I am grabbing some wine glasses from the cabinet.

"Nothing girl lets eat I'm starving" I say sitting the glasses down next to some plates. They brought some Italian food so we piled our plates with different pastas and shit.

"Where's Izzy?" Bri asks as I pour the wine

" he left today" I tell her

"Damn that was today?" She asks as I nod my head yes

"How long he gone for" Paris asks stuffing her face

"Just a week and then he'll be back the weekend then he will be gone for about 3 and a half weeks" I say taking a sip of my wine peaking over to Aiden who is asleep on the couch

"So that's why you're cleaning" Bri says  in realization

"No I just felt like it" I say

"Ashley. We know you like to keep everything neat but you don't just start cleaning a already clean house without a reason" she says " and don't say it was dirty because knowing you it wasn't" I can't even say anything because Bri knows me like the back of her hand.

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