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Izzy POV

"Damn how many parts this shit got" i say looking over the instructions for this damn crib.

"Watch your damn mouth" my mom says hitting me. She decided to stay down here for a while because in her words "she wanted to bond with her grand baby". My sister on the other hand flew back with my cousins, she was mad at me for some reason but i honestly didn't care for her new bad attitude.

"you aint have to hit me though" i say back to her.

"well you aint have to wait until the last minute to set up this crib" She snapped back. My mom wasn't lying, my son was due next week and im just now finishing his room. I feel like i going to end up spending most of my time Ashley house with him due to him being born in the winter but in a few months he'll be spending just as much time here.

As i finished the unnecessarily difficult crib i was proud of myself, well and my mom. Finishing i left out the room to find my mom washing all of the clothes that i had purchased him.

"those clothes new why you washing them ma" i say to her

"damn boy i know you a lil slow but that was the dumbest thing you have ever said" she said kind of hurting my feelings. "You have to wash the clothes before the baby can wear them because you dont know what type of chemicals on them that can irritate his skin." she says before closing the washing machine. I leave out going to the kitchen and eating some of the left overs that my mom cooked last night.

I've been checking on Ashley just about everyday but ive been keeping my distance from her.

Ashley POV

"Yes bri im fine i just wanted some cookies but not the type i have at home" I talk to bri from my AirPods as i push the buggy around the store. Okay i lied a bit but i did initially come for cookies.

"you could've told me and you know i wouldve dropped what i was doing to bring them... hell you could've called Izzy and he would've brought it" of course i told Bri about what happened that night and she just comforted me.

"now why would i do that when i can just come myself. I live like 2 minutes away from the store." i reply turning the isle to the cookies. After grabbing my cookies i feel a pair of eyes on me. I turn to see Zonnique staring directly at my stomach.

"Bri tell me why a demon is staring at me" i tell her as i make my way to the registers. I am pregnant and i dont need this bitch trying me. I stay on the phone the entire way to my car i make my way in and as soon as i start it up there's a knock on my window.

"may i help you?" i crack my window slightly at this silly bird.

"i just want to talk" i laugh at Zonnique unintentionally.

"and what could we possibly speak about Zonnique?" i say as she stays silent. "exactly" i say before pulling off not caring if i ran her ankles over or not.

"Is this bitch stalking you or something?" Bri says through the car speaker.

"i hope the fuck not" i say pulling out of the parking lot. On my way home i make sure no unusual cars are following me before i pull into my apartment. Saying my good byes i take the elevator up to my place. Placing the new groceries in the fridge i preheat the oven for my cookies and pizza rolls i bought.

As im placing the rolls on the baking sheet a harsh pain hits me causing me to groan and lean onto the kitchen island. It didn't last long so i went back to what i was doing. After eating my childish snacks i decide i should get off of my feet. I had been very fidgety since i was on maternity leave. From working long shifts to now being at home was a change. But when the baby gets here ill be busy again.

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