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Thank you all so much for voting and reading the book. I honestly didn't think itll do this well in such a short amount of time.

A surprise is  coming soon so prepare yourselves.

Ashley POV

"Alright... he should have enough milk right?" i say as i place Aidens pacifier in his mouth "if not there's some inside and ill have my m-" Israel cuts me off

"Ashley everything is fine" Israel says leaning against his car. "he will be okay... i got this" today i am going back to work and i honestly dont want to leave my baby. Izzy is taking him to his house since he hasn't been home in about a week and wanted to get Aiden used to his home.

"you're right..." i drag out looking at my baby

"Ashley" he says looking at me

"okay..." I give my baby one last kiss as he just looks up at me "yall be safe" i say before climbing in my car and starting the engine. It wasn't a long ride before i arrived to hospital. Everything the same of course but it felt different, maybe since i hadn't been there in so long. It isn't long before i am once again prepping for surgery and the day begins.

Half way through my shift i plop down in a chair in our lounge. When did this shit get so tiring? i used to do this job like it was the last thing i was going to do.

"Adjusting huh?" I hear a familiar voice say. I look up to see Michael standing above me. I get up and give him a hug before we both sit down.

"so how's parenthood treating you" he asks smiling

"tiring" i say honestly as my smile matches his. "No but its everything i though it'll be... Its hard at times but when i look down at my little boy i feel like everything is worth it"

"i know the feeling... its like you'll do anything for them" i nod my head in agreement since i didn't want to go any further. I know his situation with his daughter and i didn't know how he'd react.

"so... how's things been going around here" i change the subject.

"dont even get me started... i dont see how i ever put up with these crazy people before you left. Thank you for coming back to save me" he says dramatical covering his chest.

"dont worry ill keep you safe" i say playing along.

"well im sad i can't stay longer... looks like they need me" Michael says responding to his pager that is currently going off. I say a small goodbye and decide to call Israel to see my baby. This is the longest ive been away from him and i am low-key having some separation anxiety (If can even get that). I place my AirPods in my ears so that if any of these nosy ass nurses walk in they won't be in my business.

"Hey Ash" Izzy answers the phone.

"hey what yall up to" he pauses for a second before moving to let me see our awake baby sitting in his bouncer.

"Hi baby" i say causing him to look around trying to figure out where my voice is coming from. "I miss you so much bubby" i use the nickname that ive grown to call him. "ill see you soon baby" i continue to talk to him even though i know he can't respond.

"Should i come by and get him or yall coming back to my place" I ask Izzy

"you can come get him and ill probably be ova there a lil later" he says partially watching tv after agreeing i hang up the phone and proceed with my break.

"Hey mama" I hear Paris voice coming in. I let out a small squeal and almost jump on her. I haven't seen here in about 2 weeks since she does work a lot and i do have a baby but not hard feeling.

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