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Ashley POV

I've had a long day.

Four surgeries and one to go. Leaving me to get off of work at 8:30 tonight. I don't mind but as I get farther along in my pregnancy I get tired quicker. I have about a hour and a half until my next surgery so I go take a seat in the empty lounge and pull out my iPad to watch a little tv while I eat. But my show is interrupted a face time call. Answering it I put my air pods in to hear as I eat my chicken Caesar salad.

" well look who it is" I say jokingly

"Haha funny" Izzy says through the phone wiping his face. I watching him turn the side table lamp on so that I can see

" how you feeling?" He asks as I am almost 19 weeks pregnant and we go back to the doctor in about a week to find out the gender. I'm not very big but you can still tell that I am pregnant because my bump is more defined.

" I'm fine I've been feel a little movement" I say placing a hand over my bump as I pick up my large water cup.

" damn really" he says

" yeah but I think only I can feel it right now it's not like kicking yet"  I let him know. "But how ahead and how to sleep you look tired" I laugh before finishing my salad.

" yeah Ima do that cause I got another show tonight" he say stretching his arms

" don't forget the appointment is next Friday at  10" I say sternly

" girl I ain't gone forget about my child" we say a quick departure before he hangs up. Looking at my watch I still have a hour and five minutes so I start back up the show. Before I knew it my alarm was ringing and I woke up in the same spot I was before.

"I done fell asleep" I say to myself before cleaning up after myself and heading to prep.

After a long day I end up getting off of work on time. It's about 8:45 as i walk in the parking garage towards my Mercedes. As I was up on it I stop in shock. From where I can see, my back window is busted out. Walking up closer I see that all my windows are busted, the tires slashed and the word "whore" written on the side. I begin to cry as I call Alek.

"I'm on the way...go back in side.  you have to calm down for the baby" he says as I cry hysterically. I worked damn hard for this car and nobody else paid for it. It honestly was my baby and now I don't even know who ruined it. I make my way back inside to see Paris getting off. She sees me in distress and comes to sit me down in a nurses lounge. I try to explain to her as best as my tears allow me too.

"It's okay suga we gone figure it out" she hugged me as my crying began to cease. After about 25 minutes of waiting and comforting, Alek sends a text saying he is outside. Paris decides to walk me on the way to her car. As we get closer I see a tow truck placing my car on the bed of the truck giving me a better glance at the car. Alek sees me and pulls me into a hug. I can tell that he is upset, but I can't think about who would want to do this.

" it's okay let's go" he says before opening his Maserati door for me. And getting in hisself.

" we are going to figure out who did it. Until then you can still drive yourself but I need you to have some security. I haven't had any problems with anyone here but I need to be sure your safe." He says rubbing a hand over his face. Let me explain in detail what Alek does. He runs a large marketing company and owns many stocks. But through that marketing company, they smuggle things I don't know what exactly is being smuggled due to me never being told but I know the basics. The company is real but it has unwritten aspects to it. And of course you can't be in that business without getting your hands dirty. Hence what he is referring too. As the business was running from Russia, my mother and I were at risk. But we are now. Alek has been trying to make the Branch they have here most legit as possible but of course in order to do that you need money and the money has to come from somewhere.

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