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I'm back  again yall😝

Excuse any errors

Ashley POV

I wake up hearing things being knocked around in the bathroom. As I slowly turn over I see the light peeking through as the door was left open. Letting out a deep breath, I toss the cover off my body and rise from the bed. I squint my eyes as I get closer trying to get them to adjust as I feel a liquid on the bottom of my foot. Looking down I notice blood trailing to the bathroom causing me to go into a panic. I walk faster into the bathroom to see Izzy rummaging through the cabinets.

"Israel" I say causing him to turn around causing me to see his blood stained shirt and bloody hands. "Are you-" I say shockingly before getting cut off by him

"Hey baby you know where the first aid kit is I got a lil scratch" he dumb ass says to me

"Go sit down I'll bring it" I know for a fact I have more medical training than his ass so right now I need to make sure he is okay first.  I first watch as he holds his shoulder showing me that the blood from his shoulder. I then hurry and get any supplies I think I will need which is a lot before I walk over to the toilet where he is sitting.

"Take off the shirt" I say almost without any emotion before he hisses as he lifts him arm up to take the shirt off. "DID YOU GET SHOT?!" I yell at his fucking dumb ass. I swear I want to strangle him right now.

"Be quiet my son sleep" his stupid ass say

"Shut up" I stay as I dip the dark colored rag into the bowl of warm water before being to clean the wound. I look at the backside seeing an exit wound so at least I don't have to take a damn bullet out. I'm not qualified for all that.

"What happened." I say in more of a demand tone than question as I place on fresh gloves and begin prepping my equipment so I can sew him up. I should leave his idiot ass open so he can an infection.

"I was leaving to studio and ran into some random nigga who obviously got beef. Talkin mad shit but ain't want to do nothing in my face" I roll my eyes. "So the nigga waited till I got in my whip and started bussin." He finished his short, undetailed story.  I just stay quiet as I begin to think of the situation we are in. I stay quiet as I finish his last stitch and throw my tools in the bowl. I roughly take off the gloves before disposing them. As I reach for the bowl I feel izzy grab my wrist and I quickly snatch away before walking over to the sink and begin cleaning everything.

"What's your problem" he asks me as I feel his arms snake around my waist. I roll my eyes before snatching them off and pushing him back. "The hell Is wrong with you I was just shot Ash" he says scrunching my face.

"You! You are what's wrong me. You getting shot is what is my problem. Do you not think of your fucking family?! Damn sure don't seem like it.  Every night you come home later and you leave earlier. You haven't spent more than 15-20 mins with your son in the past 3 weeks. Hell he see you more than I do." I suck my teeth before turning bank around and aggressively scrubbing everything.

"I'm your problem? I'm doing what I gotta do what I need for THIS FAMILY! You knew what it was ash" he says causing me to laugh.

"Oh really? What happened to always making time for us huh? I understand you working and providing but at this point that's all you do. You put that shut before anything else. You're momma hasn't even heard from you. What am I supposed to tell her cause she know you damn well aint put out no new music lately."

"Man ash gone some where with all that you trippin" he leans on the counter

"I'm trippin?! No you just selfish as hell and don't care about nobody but your damn self you just got FUCKING SHOT ISRAEL! What if that bullet would've killed you. Your actions show how you don't prioritize us." I yell causing the bathroom to go quiet.

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