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Third person POV

"If y'all don't find out where the hell they at in 2.5 seconds I'm killin all y'all" Izzy yells out to the people scrambling trying to find his family. He looks down to his phone to see his mother calling only to let it ring. Sharon did not know that Ashley was missing and he wanted to keep it that way. He felt that the less who knew, the less he would have to talk about it and could focus on finding him.

It's been a little over three weeks in total since they've been gone and Izzy has barely gotten any sleep. He has been determined to get them back. In result he has been a complete ass hole to everyone else. Snapping on anyone who says anything to him and overall rude he even shot one of Alexeis men for mumbling "when's lunch" in Russian.

"Come Israel... I can handle this go rest" Alexei says understanding Izzys frustration. He had remembered trying to find Aleks mother but coming up short handed.

"Naa I'm good" he says tryin to move past the large man

"That wasn't a question" Alexei says as that stare at each other. Izzy sucks his teeth before turning around and hearing a knock on the door. Being that it is a glass door you can see right through it.

"Oh bitch I been waiting on you" Bri says from behind Izzy as she swiftly moves around him tying her hair up. She snatches the door open and jumps on a surprised Zonnique knocking her to the ground. Zonnique try's to fight back but she has no chance as Bri begins to continuously punch her face.

Alek notices some noise coming from the front of the house and drops what he is doing and runs to the front to see Bri beating the poor girl up and Izzy standing there lighting a blunt.

"Bri will kill her!" Alek says not recognizing who Bri is beating up.

"Oh well." Izzy says shrugging his shoulders before pulling from the weed. With the help of two other men Alek was able to get Bri off of the unconscious girl.

"Take her ass to the room" Izzy says before turning back into the house and going upstairs. He put out the blunt before reaching the top of the stairs in respect for Ashley. She didn't even like him smoking in the house let alone upstairs near their rooms. He walks into Aidens room before picking up the photo of him and Ashley at the baby shower. He sits it back down and takes a seat in the chair looking over the clean room.

Ashley POV

Bitch I'm growing fast. You can tell that I am pregnant and idk how it happened so fast. When I was pregnant with Aiden I didn't get big until my last trimester but this baby isn't wasting time. I'm not huge yet but if someone saw me they would definitely know I was pregnant with a loose shirt on.

I am currently sitting at the dining room table quietly as the cooks serve breakfast. Cash has been making Aiden and I eat almost every meal together. That is almost every meal I can keep down. I've been trying to stay on his good side for the most part. That includes just biting my tongue mostly. I just listen to him talk trying to gain some trust but I know he doesn't trust me at all. Due to his very short temper I am always walking on eggshells.

"Ashley you look nice...why aren't you eating" he says referring to my outfit. He has also been having someone dress me to his standards which mainly include heels and classy clothes even though I'm stuck in the house. Yesterday he has someone come and do my nails and toes how he wanted and claimed it was a "reward". He claimed its to "train" me so when I can go out the house with him.

"I'm just not hungry" I say looking down at my large plate pushing food around. Aiden babbles beside me as one of the servants feeds him baby food. I insisted on doing it two weeks ago and got slapped. I've been trying to ease him off of breast feeding because I've been really sore and I dont need two babies breast feeding at the same time.

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