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Izzy POV

The music in the club blared as I sat back in the section smoking a blunt vibin'. Looking to my left my boy King girl come in marching up to us.

" looks like you in trouble" I joke taking a puff of my blunt as everyone laughs.

" hey baby" he says getting up going to talk to her.

After about two songs he come back brushing his waves forward. Picking back up his cup of Henny.

" man... she something else. she brought her friends with her"  he says

" Ight coo"

As soon as I said that ion know if it was the blunt and the liquor kicking in but no guidance by Chris brown came on and in walked a group of girls who I guess was kings girl friends. But I couldn't take my eyes of the first one. From her brown skin to the way her hips swayed when she walked. I ain't even gone lie ma was bad. I was too caught in my own head that I didn't notice she was right in front of me talking.

" hellooooo...." she waved he manicured hands in my face. With her left on her hip holding her phone.

" huh" I state snapping out of it.

"Don't mind him he a lil high right now, you can sit right there" my boy swae says laughing.

She then sits down right next to me talking to her friend sitting on the opposite side of her.

" my bad shawty i don't know what my problem is, I'm Izzy" I apologize to her

" Ashley, andit's fine, you good love" she looks at me smiling then turning and dancing in her seat.

" damn, white ass name." I let out a deep laugh
" you'd be surprised how much I get that." She laughs too.
" so you coo with king girl huh?" I say trying to start up conversation.
" yeah that's my girl, we go way back... you just be king friend" she replies back
" yeah that's my bro" we talked for a while before the my high began to kick in even more making me focus on the thickness of her thighs, and the way her breast sit up in the animal print top she has on. She looks under her eye lashes to me smirking turning back around. 

" let me get you something to drink ma" I lean over whispering in her ear.

" patron, love" she turns looking me in my lust filled eyes.  Waving to the bottle girl I let her know to bring a bottle of patron and henny. When the bottle comes back she throws back three shots looking me in my eyes with each one. I chuckle drinking from my cup.

I look over my shoulder to my manager Aaron to see him mean mugging the fuck out her. I push him to the back of my mind as I turn around to see her up dancing with her friends. I watch as she begins to throw it back tossing her hair over her shoulders looking back at her friends as they hype her up.

" damn nigga, take a picture it'll last longer" King says laughing his ass off.

" nigga gone somewhere with that corny ass Joke." I say before looking back at her. It seemed as though my body moved on its own as I ended up behind her wrapping my arms around her waist causing her to look back and smirk.

" why you stop dancing ma" I whisper in her ear seeing her friends looking amused and turning away giving us space. The song turned to tonight by summer walker as she began to wine her hips slowly against my growing bulge. Throwing her left arm behind her head and around my neck. Giving me more access to feel on her curves. Pushing her hair to the side I begin pecking on her neck letting the liquor take over my body. It's not long before she turns around towards me saying " don't start nothing you can't finish" little did she know I was going to finish. 

Third POV

A few songs and two empty bottles later, the two stared in to each other's eyes with lust and want. " let's leave" Izzy dips down to Ashley's ear causing her to shiver with the dominance in his voice. Shaking her head they step back with the group. Ashley gives her girls a nod  in which they already knew it was going to happen, allowing her to leave. Bri making sure Ashley was still sharing her location felt more at ease because he was slightly connected to them so if anything happened to her, she won't have a hard time finding him to put him on a tee shirt. 

Izzy dapping his boys up grabbing Ashley by the hand leading her out of the club towards the valet which his i8 sitting there waiting for them. He opens her door helping her in before climbing in himself starting it up. As if his life was on the line he took off to the busy Atlanta streets to his four seasons hotel with his hand on Ashley's thigh. Within less than 20 mins they arrive and quickly helping Ashley out and handing valet his keys. As soon as they make it to the elevator they can't keep their hands off of each other. Lifting Ashley off of her feet she wraps her legs around his waist kissing him passionately. Fighting for dominance, Izzy wraps his hand around her neck, light applying pressure causing her to moan and him to take control. Before they knew it the elevator bell rung and they hopped off one another and off the elevator.

Grabbing her hand they power walked to the end of the hall where his suite was. As soon as they entered clothes began to come off as they traveled to the bed room. Laying Ashley down on her back Izzy traveled down her bare chest sucking and nipping on her perky breast while massaging the other in his other hand making her squirm under him. He smirked and paid the same attention to her other.

Making his way down her body he stopped at her black lace underwear. Opening her legs placing sloppy kisses in the inside of her thighs before pulling her thongs down with his teeth throwing them aside. Pushing her legs as they'd go he dove in with his tongue attacking as if he was a starved animal.

Ashley on the other hand was a moaning mess as she couldn't believe the man below had such a skilled tongue. Feeling him begin to pump his tongue in and out she began to leak out like a fountain. Purring, Ashley placed a hand on the back of his head and the other gripped on her own breast. Staring at the ceiling she let out a whine trying to catch her breath. Izzy was infatuated with her honey like taste and wanted more as she realized she was reaching her peak.  Adding two fingers as he sucked on her clit watching her back arch of the bed as she came undone.

Pulling his fingers from inside of her he smirked before stating" ass up" he smacked her butt. She turning over immediately arching her back rubbing her hand on her swollen clit waiting on his next move. Whining from the cool hotel air hitting her spine, she grew anxious as he stood back admiring her perfect form making her wait. Izzy hissed as he rubbed himself before climbing behind her rubbing his tip along her slit dipping it into her pot teasing her.

"Oh shit" she moaned loudly as he slowly entered her tight wetness, feeling her tight, warm walls mold onto his dick.

Hissing he backs out again and slowly pushing back in. He had never had some as good as this so he had to adjust. Beginning to pick up his pace he watched as Ashleys ass jiggled against him making him chuckle. Stopping, he watched as she through her ass back causing him to groan in pleasure. Wrapping his hand around her hair he began plowing into her merciless giving her everything. It didn't take long before she released again. he then tapped her ass signaling her to ride him.

Ashley smirked at him sensually as she knew he won't be able to handle him. Although it's been over a year since she's had any sexual intercourse she was constantly working out and was sure of her knee strength. Sitting down on his thick meat she began lifting her hips up and down before slightly rotating them watching him throw his head back. Before he knew it she picked up her pace and began fucking him. He began to feel himself about to nut so he flipped them over with her legs spread and him pumping into her dripping, throbbing center.  Ashley watched as his gold chain dangled in her face and let out a broken moan. Leaning down into her ear he wrapped his hand around her throat once again. He felt them both on the verge on cumming and began pounding into her once again cursing into her ear. With only a few more thrust they both came together before falling into a drunken slumber.

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