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Ashley POV

" the bed goes into the room on the left" I tell the movers walking into the apartment. My mom is in the kitchen organizing and putting up dishes and food while I tell the movers where to put the furniture. It's shouldn't take that long for them to get done because everything is already put together and I only have to one bed room as of now.

As the movers leave I walk through to make sure I have everything. Satisfied with everything basically already set up I start decorating. Pulling my living room pillows out of a container there is a knock on the door.

" I got it" my mom says as she is closer. I peak over when she opens it to see Izzy with a bag of food in his hand. My mom takes it from him and he comes to living room by me.

"Hey" I greet continuing my task

" you need help?" He asks looking at the boxes

" yeah could you take the last containers with my clothes into my room please" I say. Coming from a town house to an apartment was a change. I didn't have to have so much stuff. With that being, all that was really do was decorate as I already had it before and put away my clothes.

Izzy comes out the room and asks me if I need anything else and I let him know he can chill until I think of something. Honestly there was nothing to do. The cable people had already came, the TVs were mounted, bed was already in place and living room was basically done  so I was really set. Taking a break I grab my laptop and go to my saved items for the babies room.

"Okay so I need another opinion... what do you think of this" I show him a white oval shaped crib and a baby blue modern rocking chair.

"It's cool ion like that pillow tho" he says making me chuckle

"It doesnt come with the pillow silly" I laugh turning the laptop back around "so have you decided on how your doing his room at your house" I say trying to start conversation.

"Naa not really I was going to wait till January when my ma get here so she can do it" he says before looking at his phone. I honestly though that was pushing it close. The baby was due on January 29th so he would only have like three weeks to get it done. I shake it off because that's his decision and  continue along.

" so what you brought to eat" I say walking to the kitchen island admiring my new grey stools liking it.

"Just some Jamaican food" he says over his shoulder. I go around and wash my hands seeing that my mother is finished with the kitchen.

" thank you ma" I say giving her a hug

"Alright I need to get home I didn't watch the last episode of power" she picks up her leather jacket at purse. " bye Israel" she says

"Goodnight Melyssa" he says as she walks out the door. I begin to pull out two plates as I am going to fix our food.

" you don't have to fix me anything" he says to me

" okay" I say lowly. I make my way back into the living room where I sit down back in my spot. I turn on the tv and go to Netflix.

" you wanna finish YOU?" I ask him referring to the show we have bonded over

"Naa I'm actually about to head out too... Nique prolly worrying where I'm at" he says

"Oh.. okay" I give him a small smile as he gets up. "Well be safe" I say before he grabs his coat.

"Ight I will" he says locking the door from the inside.

I sit there eating my oxtails in silence. I would've called one of the girls but they are all working tonight and Alek is "handling business". I used to love being by myself but I've grown to having company.  And I couldn't help to think that after the situation last week Izzys been acting different like he doesn't want to be around me. I understand how he may feel awkward but I've tried to make it as normal as possible.

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