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four weeks later

His sweat dripped down my back as he leaned over to nibble on my neck as he thrusted from behind. Pushing everything off of the island i am pushed down to feel the freezing counter top causing my tender nipples to harden. He quickens the pace as i curse loudly feeling my core begin to drip. "shit" he curses pumping steadily into me as i clench my walls around his core. I am then turned around to sit on the counter. As i look up to look him in his eyes he places his face in my neck and enters hisself again. My mind is sent in a frenzy as he begins pleasuring me again but i try to think about who the person is.

"Ashley" he says as his thrust begins to get sloppy.

"ashley" his voice begins to change. "Ashley" Israels voice speaks to me.

"Ashley... wake up" he says holding Aiden as i open my eyes to see him standing over me. "you good...you was making noises" he asks me as i sit up

"yeah... im fine" i say after clearing my throat before reaching for my baby. "i just had a weird dream that's all" 

"Hi baby.. you woke up already" I speak to my infant.

" I think he hungry and all the milk is frozen" Izzy says looking at him.

" damn already...okay I got it" I say before pulling out my breast and helping Aiden latch on.

" shit ash." Izzy says turning around " a warning would be nice" he says before beginning to walk out

" my bad" I say as I pick up my phone Going through my instagram and messages. A few people from work who had just got the news congratulated me. Before I knew it, Aiden was back asleep in my arms. I sit him on top of my comforter and place two pillows around him for safety and make my way into the bathroom to freshen up. After taking a quick shower and getting dressed I go out into the kitchen to make some lunch.

As I exit the room I see Izzy laying down on his phone. He has been a real help since Aiden has got here. Not only him but both of our moms has been coming to help us to give us a quick break. He has pretty much been here all the time unless one of our moms come and he'll go home to shower or something.

" I'm about to fix some lunch you want some" I say opening the fridge

"yea.." he says lowly. And I begin looking through the fridge and pulling out some chicken that we had last night and decided to make some quick chicken sandwiches. I don't have much time before that little boy wakes up and I honestly don't feel like cooking a whole meal.

After I finish I place both plates on the island and we begin to eat. It's mostly in silence due to both of us being very hungry.

"When you're maternity leave up" Israel breaks the silence. I hadn't brung it up but I guess now the time to talk about it

" in about 4 weeks..." I say realizing how short amount of time they gave me. "But i dont know ..."

" what don't you know" he says looking at me

" I don't want to go back so soon... I feel like Aiden just got here and I'm not even completely healed to go back.... but I still want to go back eventually" I say truthfully. I had been thinking about it for a while now and I honestly didn't know if I was going to go back to work. I have enough saved to stop working for a bit and be comfortable until I decide to go back but I don't know if that's what I want to do.

" I can't tell you what to do but if you don't want to go back yet then that's fine... you know I can take care of you and Santana" he says before taking another bite of his sandwich.

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