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Ashley POV

"Alright and 5,6,7,8.." the pole instructor says as the music blares through the studio. I do the simple routine as I start to feel myself. I bend over and begin to twerk before the music comes to a halt.

"Good job ladies" she says as I collapse to the ground. That's shit is tiring.

" the way you was moving you should've been cane with me" Bri says before grabbing my hand to help me up.

"Ion see how you do it girl" I say walking to my bag before pulling out my sweat pants

"The more you keep doing it the easier it gets" Bri says taking a seat beside me. " so how was your date the other night" she asks taking out her water bottle. By this time it was only us two left in the studio.

" girl I had a great time." I say as I begin to tell her about the night. " but when I got home Israel was there with an attitude" I say as she raises her eyebrow. " so we ended up getting into it... which led to both of us expressing how we felt" I say before taking out my water bottle.

" and what happened" she says as my eyes widen before looking away.  "NO..." she says wide eyed before hitting my thigh. " Oh my god...y'all had sex" she says shocked.

" no we did not..." I reassure " well almost but I stopped it"

" bitch why" she says

" I just felt that would complicate things even more... and I'm just confused right now. It's like I want him but at the same time I don't know what he wants ya know. And then theres Michael... he's just ... perfect to be honest." I look down at my nails.

" well girl, you know I can't make the decision for you so you have to do what you feel is best. And by the way you said things went the other night Izzy obviously feels the same way. So just analyze all the factors. You don't have to rush into anything. Like how Michael May seem perfect, but from  what you've told me he comes with baggage. Would you want to put up with his crazy gold digging baby momma and the other shit you have to find out. And would you want to put up with Izzy and his groupies on the road. It's all up to you girl don't stress yourself out about it." She reaches over and grabs my hand. This is why I love Bri she is always there for me.

We wrap up and grab our stuff before we head outside to our cars. We say our departures before heading our separate ways. I make it to my apartment with just a bad vibe lingering so I quickly take in my surroundings before hurrying to my door. As I open it up I smell some food being cooked. I wall in to see Izzy standing over the stove stirring something in a pot while holding Aiden.

"Wow look who it is" I say sarcastically. After the other night Izzy has been going to the studio so I haven't really seen him.

"Surprised?" He asked looking back with a smile

"I am" I say before going into my room to take a shower. I allow the shower to warm up as undress and pull out some night clothes for me to wear. After a quick shower, I apply some baby oil and lotion before putting on the silk shorts and top set.

I walk out of the room just in time to Izzy placing two plates on the counter.

" hi bubby" I say to Aiden as I grab him from Izzys arms before heading to the island chairs. I take in the baked chicken, cabbage and yellow rice before picking up my fork.

"i didn't know you could cook" i say taking a bite.

"i can't... my momma brought this by" he says before putting some hot sauce on his food. We eat in silence for a bit as i remember the conversation i had with Bri.

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