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Ashley POV

It has been about a week and a half since we took Aiden to the hospital and he is over his cold. I watch from the kitchen as he kicks his legs on his tummy mat. I decide to place him in his high chair so I can try out this new thingy I bought. It's like a pacie but you put fruit in it so the baby can get used to eating fruit. I cut up a strawberry and put it inside of the gadget allowing him to try it.

"You like it's bubby?" I ask taking a picture of him as he eats it. I smile as I touch his soft curly hair

After sitting my phone down I turn back to the island and begin measuring. I am currently baking some peach muffins since I've really been craving them. I'm not even a muffin person dude.

It doesn't take me long to mix everything together so after about 15 minutes I place the muffin pan in the oven and take Aiden out of his high chair before going to sit on the couch.

"Let's send daddy a picture" I say before snapping a picture with Aiden who was too busy looking at the tv. I sent Israel the pictures along with the ones that I took of Aiden eating.

I know he is currently busy but I thought It'll be a cute surprise when he gets back to his phone. I'm glad Izzy has figured out how to balance work and at home life well. To be honest, I didn't know how it was going to work but he has managed to call us every chance he gets and make sure we are okay. I really can't wait until he comes back

As the tv plays I think over things I can do since I don't have anything else to do. That's when my online shopper trait came through and ya bitch ordered a pole. I've been wanting one but I decided why the fuck not now and went ahead. I looked up small couches as well as I thought about getting my makeup vanity out of storage. I haven't touched it since my town house.

Since I have nothing but time and I can't really work right now, why not make a little chill spot for me. I'm thinking about taking up some more hobbies like painting or some shit. Maybe I'll learn how to do my own nails hell.

I look down to Aiden who is trying to roll over and smile seeing how big he is getting. It was just like yesterday I was pushing his big head out. I love that little boy so much and would do anything for him.

He was supposed to have another swimming lesson today but since he was just sick I'd thought it was best I reschedule for a later date. Plus I really wanted Israel to be here for the next one.

I pick up my ringing phone smiling at the contact before answering.

"Hey ma" I say

"Hey baby what y'all doing" Ms.Sharon says through the phone

"Nothing much I'm just making some muffins and Aiden is about to nap in a minute" I explain to her "how has everything been" I ask kicking my feet up onto the couch

" baby I've been as best as I can... things have been usual. Jas has been acting better and her court date it next week so we gone see how that goes" she breathes out. I can tell that she is stressed about it.

"Well ma everything gone be fine.." I say trying to give her some hope. I don't know what to say truthfully. Jas has digged herself into that hole.

"I wish I could believe that ash but shit not looking too good for Jasmine. She was the only one with a knife in her hand..." I bite my cheek. "We hoping they can give her some community service, anger management, and therapy other than the family charges" she says shaking her head

"Just have faith ma. That's all you can do right now" there's nothing else I can really say. Of course Israel got her a good lawyer but of course all the evidence is against her so things aren't going to look so well for her.

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