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Third POV

Izzys foot taps rapidly as he waits for the doctor to call him back. He looks down to see Aiden attempting to put his chain in his mouth before slowly pulling it away. They had been waiting for an update on Ashley for what had seemed like forever to him. He had been hoping and praying that her and their unborn child was okay. When Ashley fainted he was shocked and surprised.

He looks over to his left seeing Alek walk in with Alexei on his trail. They had stayed behind to make sure that everything was handled correctly and cleaned accordingly. Alek couldn't believe that he had just seen his mother. The woman who had abandoned him at such a young age and left his father broken and bitter. He replayed the entire situation in his head.

Alek had just shot a man dead between his eyes as he turned around seeing his father standing motionless infront of a woman. The woman was shifting her feet as she tried to form words that couldn't come out. The two stared at each other not knowing what to say or how to react.

"захватить ее (grab her)" Alexei gets out as two of his men grab her. He did not have a plan for her yet but after all the pain she had put him through he was angry and all he felt was his pain. He then walks past Alek who is in complete confusion. At the moment Alexei felt cold. He was steaming with anger.

"Who is she?" Alek asks his father

"Your mother" Alexei says before walking
away leaving Alek stuck in his tracks trying to process the words that had just came out of his fathers mouth. The woman he had dreaded but longed for for so long was right there.

"Have they said anything yet?" Alexei asks taking Israel out of his thoughts. He shook his head not in the mood to talk to anyone. As soon as he did that the doctor comes out letting him know that he can come back. With the speed of lightening, Izzy hopped up with Aiden in his Arms.

Alek and Alexei sat behind letting him go alone knowing he would want some alone time with his girlfriend. The doctor walked with ease as he escorted Israel back to the room Ashley was currently in. His nerves worsen with ever step closer to the room. Once they made it there the doctor knocked before proceeding. The doctor opens the door revealing a wake Ashely.  They had been running tests on her for the past hour to ensure her and the baby's health.

She smiles as she sees Izzy walk in with their son before embracing him in a hug and kiss. She had been up for a while now and had been wanting to see her family for the entire time.

"Well it seems as though you had a drop in blood pressure. Usually this does happen in pregnant women. But at her level it couldve been harmful even deadly to the baby. You and baby are fine as of now but we would like do an ultra sound if that is fine?" The doctor says

"Yeah, please" Izzy says looking down to Ashley. He did not want to take any chances so whatever the doctor thought was best was going to happen. The doctor nods his head before walking out of the room.  As soon as the door closed Ashley broke into tears.

"Aye ..." Izzy moves in on the bed sitting Aiden down on the bed "why you crying ma" he says her as he embraces her into a hug

"I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to" she cries into his chest.

"Stop crying Ash... you ain't know that was gone happen. It's not your fault" he holds her as her sobbing slows down.

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