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Ashley POV

I walk off of the plane after Sharon with Aiden wrapped against my chest since he is still sleeping. I can tell by the way she is quiet that she is upset with right now. So from what experience I know not to say anything and let her be.

The three of us are quiet as we get into the car that Izzy is driving. The roads are pretty much empty since it is around 3 am.

"Take me home" Sharon finally speaks "you go get her... if I see jasmine right now ima be in jail" I tried to occupy myself with my nails so that it wouldn't seem like I was listening.

Izzy didn't say anything but sighed before exiting off he freeway. He drove around with ease before pulled into a nice suburban neighborhood before pulling into a curved driveway.

"Ashley let me show you in so y'all can get some rest" Sharon speaks before opening her door getting out.

"Yes ma'am" I say lowly before getting out as well. I grab Aidens car seat seeing him knocked out as Izzy is grabbing all of our bags from the car. I follow Sharon up to the front door where she reveals a nicely styled home. The smell of clean linen and Lysol hit my nose as I walked in. As soon as you walked in you could see the dining room to the left as well as the formal living on the right. We headed straight upstairs where she showed me a room.

"This was Izzys old room. I made it more comfortable just in case I have extra guess over... but it's mostly the same" I take in the decent sized room which has a queen sized bed as well as posters, pictures, and shoe boxes hanging on the wall

"Thank you" I smile to her as I take Aiden out of his seat and placing him on the bed. As I place pillows around him, Izzy walks in with our bags sitting them in the corner.

"You straight?" Izzy says to me as I plug my phone into the outlet.

"Yes I'm fine" I say giving him a small smile before walking up to him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Ima be back in a lil bit gone head and get some sleep ma" he says kissing my forehead.

"I'll try baby" I kiss his lips softly before pulling away

" my moms room down stairs by the kitchen if you need anything while I'm gone" I nod my head stepping out my sweat pants leaving me in my panties and tee shirt.

"Be safe baby" I say giving him one last kiss before he walks out and I climb into bed.

Izzy POV

I get back into the car before speeding off towards my dad house. He went and bailed her out when it happened. It ain't take me long to get there since the roads were empty and he don't live that far.

"Dad I'm outside" I speak in the phone

"It's open come in" he says as I turn the car off hopping out. I walk up the steps before opening the door to the quiet house. As I come in I see Jas and my dad walking down. She has on her book bag and is carrying an attitude on her face.

"Hey dad" I say dapping him up as Jas walks out the door to the car. I don't know what her problem is with me but she gone have to chuck that shit up.

"Ion know what's been going on with her son" my dad shakes his head "one day she my little girl then the next she acting out" he says sighing

"We gone figure it out... but let me get back to me house I got my girl and son over there" I tell him

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