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A week later

Ashley POV

Today I have my very first doctors appointment in which I'm taking my mom with me because she is actually excited to have a baby around. Me on the other hand not so sure.

We walk into my gynecologists office signing in then taking a seat in the waiting area. After about 20 minutes I am called back. They go through normal procedure of checking my vitals, weight and all and then lead me to a room.

Shortly after there is a knock on the door. Dr. Jackie sticks her head in smiling and greeting us.

"So my records do show that you are indeed pregnant. Congratulations love" she smiles as I send a tight lipped smile back. Sensing my unease she moves along

"Okay let's check on baby, mom." She then proceeds to start the ultrasound process. Rubbing the monitor along my stomach she shows me what is my baby and then allows me to hear the heart beat. As soon as I heard it my heart felt full. I began to cry as that is a life living inside me.

" okay since you are at 7 weeks approaching 8, in the state of Georgia abortion is out of the question, not saying you were thinking about it but if you were I'm sorry love." Dr.Jackie gave a tight lipped smile as she handed me tissue to dry my eyes. She then gave me a list of food to stay away from, things to expect as well as prenatal prescription.

As soon as we left I got a call from Maya.

"Hey girl" I answer

" hey boo.. I'm not going to keep you long but Izzy said he'll meet you"

"Okay when and where?"

"W hotel in the cook hall restaurant. Tomorrow at 4" she states

" alright love thank you so much" I thank her

" anything for you and my niece." This girl.

" girl bye"

" alright girly" she says hanging up.

" so you got in touch with him" my mom asks

" yes ma'am let's see how this goes".

The next day

Sitting in cook hall it is about 5 till 4 I take a sip from my water and take a bite out of my pull pork sliders and truffle fries waiting for him to arrive.

Out of nowhere I look up to the fat 21 savage looking ass nigga mean mugging me.

" may I help you sir ?" I ask politely

" listen I'm going to make this short. Stay away from Izzy or I'll make your life a living hell. My client is making big moves and him or his fiancé doesn't need you trying to use a baby as a meal ticket." He says shocking me.

" first of all sir im going to need to calm your tone because you got the right one today. And two your client should've thought about before he laid down in bed and made this child. Oh and for your information sir I don't need a penny or your clients money. So try again. I asked for Izzy not an Oompa Loompa.

"Listen here bit-" he was cut off my my waiter

" excuse me ma'am but is there a problem"

" yes could you please have this gentleman removed he is disrupting my meal." I said before security came and took him away. I continued eating my food before calling Alek going with plan b. This better work because if not then plan c is having alek put him in a near death situation and that'll probably end in death.

" have the lawyer contact his. I'm done with games." I hung up after he says okay. I wanted to talk it out like adults but he sent his manager in her like a bitch trying to threaten me. I chuckled to myself. I'd raise this child by myself but growing up with a father who wanted nothing to do with you is something I'd never wish on anyone. So I'll fight for my children to have that relationship even if their father and I aren't together.

Izzy POV

"SHES WHAT" I scream in the gym as I am on the phone with my lawyer. They had just informed me that shawty from the club a while back is pregnant and claiming to be my me.

"Set up a meeting so we can get this situated" trying to retrace my steps I don't even know what came over me that night. I don't even remember nutting in that girl. "FUCK" I yell. How the hell am I gone tell Zonnique this shit. I'm the middle of my tantrum I see Aaron dumb ass walk in.

" okay good news all the Venues are booked, hotels ready-"

"Why I get a call FROM MY LAWYERS saying that I got somebody pregnant" I start

"Damn man that's wild" he interrupts

" and they say that YOU threatened her today to stay away from me ." I look at him watching him look on uneasy

"Man what you talm bout ?"

" what I'm talking bout, man gone get up out my face before I do something Youll regret. You didn't think to tell me this shit since you knew. How long you knew Aaron" i asked him

" man only a week" he said

" a week Aaron? What if shawty decided to tell the world this shit huh? Then how ima look?" I say

"Man I thought I could handle it."

"Well obviously you can't. Bye man." I say walking out my gym into my house. I might as well go ahead and tell nique while it's fresh ain't no point of holding on to this. I know she's going to be upset but we were broken up when I had sexual with ole girl. We got back to together like three days later after the whole situation. Of course she knew I slept with someone but neither one of us was expecting this.

"Hey babe what's wrong" nique comes out of the bathroom seeing me looking down

" come sit down" I say lowly

" what's wrong baby you okay ?" She says concerning

"Remember when I told you I slept with someone while we were broken up ?" I ask her and she nods her head.

" she's pregnant" I say as her eyes widen and she gets up

" I don't know if it's mine but Ima figure it out baby. I'm sorry I didn't know this would happen I swear" I say

" well you need to find it out nigga because I'm not about to be playing step momma to no bitch child that should be me having your child pregnant but nooo it's not." She begins to go off

" you know what. You right we were broken up. Figure it out and it better not be your child." She says storming off out of the room

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