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Ashley POV

I wake up panting as I try to catch my breath. I feel a shift beside me signaling that Israel is up before he flicks on the lamp beside him.

"What's wrong ma? I'm right here" He questions as he rubs my back. Being that I'm still trying to catch my breath I am unable to reply to him . He then gets up from the bed before returning a few seconds later with a water bottle.

"Here... drink some of this" he says as he unscrews the top of the bottle and helping me hold the bottle due to my shaky hands. "You good?" He asks as I shake my head. "You had another one?" He says referring to the nightmares I've been having for the past few days. Every night I wake up in a puddle of my own sweat and out of breath. And everytime I dream about the same thing. Being locked in a room only being seen by my torturer.

"I'm sorry" I mumble before finishing off the water.

"Don't apologize it ain't yo fault." He says taking the bottle from me throwing it away before turning the lamp off. "You good?" He asks before I shake my head yes. "Let's lay down we gotta get up early" he says kissing my shoulder. We have a doctors appointment to check on baby #2 in the morning. I feel bad for waking him up since he has been working hard having to take over all Cash operations and still have to manage his home life. Overall I know he is stressed but I really appreciate him still making time to be here. I'd be going crazy if he wasn't.

I lay back down snuggling up against him as he places his hand on my stomach rubbing it gently as I listen to his breathing. I stare at the curtains which allow the moonlight to peak through lightly. As I begin to fall back asleep I hear Aiden begin to shift in his crib. We've moved his crib into our room since I really don't feel comfortable leaving him alone in his room just yet.

I hear him begin to whine signaling that he has woke up. I unwrap Izzys arm from around me slowly feeling him shift. He really only sleep when I lay with him so I feel bad whenever I have to get up to use the bathroom or get Aiden

"Where you going" Izzy mumbles out with his eyes still closed.

"Aiden, baby" I say throwing my legs over the bed before standing onto my feet. I guess Izzy went back to sleep by him not responding. "Hi, bubby" I say to Aiden as I stand over his crib getting him out.

"Dada" he says aloud. I swear since he learned to say that he won't stop. I don't mind but he can't say mama damn I'm trying.

"He's still sleeping baby" I say to him as I pick him up checking his diaper. Seeing that it is full I go ahead and change it and decide to bring him back into the bed with Izzy and I so he can go back to sleep and I can sit back down.

I turn on the tv, lowering the volume before I lay onto my pillow and lay Aiden beside me. I watch as he slowly begins to fight his sleep before closing his eyes.

I then feel a arm wrap back around me waist as Izzy brings his body closer to mine before I fall back asleep.

The next morning

"Ash come on we gotta go" Israel yells from the bottom of the stairs. He got ready before me so that he could get Aiden ready while I took a shower.

"Okay I'm coming" I grab my purse before checking my simple outfit of some tights and a graphic tee. I walk down the stairs to see Izzy sitting down with Aiden on his lap. He looks up noticing me standing there before getting up and hearing towards the door.

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