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Ashley POV

I wake up to my phone ringing non stop. I hurry and grab it and make my way to the bathroom so I don't wake Izzy up. I see that it's only 2 o'clock in the afternoon before answering Bri's call.

" wussap girl" I say sitting on the toilet.

" bitch have you checked online" she says as I put her on speaker

" No why" I say before going to instagram. As soon as I open it I see thousands of people have followed me and many mentions.

" hold on I'm sending it to you" she says before sending me a shaderoom post. It's pictures of Izzy and I at the restaurant. One of us walking in and one of his hand on top of mine across the table.  The post had the caption : looks like the rumors of BandhuntaIzzy having a new baby is true and This is his supposed baby momma👀

"Bitch you got the internet going crazy" she says laughing as I read through the comments

Unknown: man atleast she's pretty

KendalKenndal: so this the girl who broke him and Nique up huh ? 🤫

I roll my eyes at the comments of people who got something to say but  don't even know the situation. And then there's the nice ones where I guess all the followers came from. I exit out of Instagram and take the phone off of speaker.

" ion know why I thought people would mind they business" I shake my head

" so... are y'all together or" Bri asks for confirmation

"No we are not... yet" I say the last part lowly causing her to scream in my ear. " really bitch" I ay as she laughs

" my bad girl" she apologizes. " you home I'm by your house"

"No... I'm at Izzys" I say causing her to scream again

"Damn bitch you getting some dick?" Bri has no filter at all

"No! I- well we were taking a nap" I say as i shake my head

"Okay bitch I see you" she says

" whatever Bri" I say before we say our goodbyes. I walk out the bathroom to see Izzy still sleep so I take the chance to go check on our son. I see that he isn't in his room so I walk back down stairs to the living room. They aren't in there either so I explore the house a little until I come up on Ms.Sharons room which has the door cracked. I knock three times to be polite.

"Come in" she says before I walk into the well decorated room. She and Aiden are on the bed while he tries to occupy hisself with his hands.

"Don't do that bubby" I say grabbing him off the bed and gently moving his hands. "Was he good?" I ask ms.Sharon

"Was he? Child that baby is an angel he didn't cry not once" she says making me smile down at the little boy in my arms. I depart from her room with Aiden before heading back up the stairs. Sitting criss cross on the bed I turn the tv on to Disney + so that I can watch that's so raven. I look down to see Aiden making noises with his mouth open. I noticed he does that when he is hungry so I waste no time lifting the large shirt up and letting him latch on. I begin going through my emails before I feel movement beside me. I look over from my phone to see Izzy kissing Aiden on his forehead. I smirk before returning some of the emails as I feel Izzy roll back over.

By now Aiden is finished so I burp him. I see Izzy sit up from the corner of my eye before sit up with his phone in hand. I mind my business and continue to watch the tv ahead.

"You seen this?" He turns his phone around clenching his jaw.

"Yeah when I woke up" I say truthfully.

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