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Izzy POV

I check my watch as im running late for Ashleys doctors appointment. 25 minutes to be exact. I just hope they aren't done by the time i get there since this'll be the last one i get go to until i get back and by then it'll almost be time for my son to be here. Pulling up in the parking lot i park in the first spot i see and almost running to the door. I walk up the receptionist as i tell her that i am here for an appointment under ashleys name. 

"hold on sir ill have to make sure you can go back" i wait a few seconds before a nurse comes around opening the door letting me know that she is in room 5. I hurry to the room to hear laughing. 

"well how are today dad?" Dr. Jackie asks as i walk in as Ashley doesn't even acknowledge my presence.

"im fine. Sorry im late" i say taking a seat. 

"okay so ill recap on what i was telling mom" she begins. "i noticed her blood pressure was very high today. A number of things can cause it: Too must fat or salt in food, not enough exercise-which i dont think is the problem if mom is doing everything she told me she is-, or even stress. Either way it is not good for the baby. This can cause preeclampsia, the baby to come prematurely or the baby to come out at a low birth rate. So we need to target what is causing it and cut if off. Mom if you are stressing we will have to eliminate the problem... if its work ill have to stop you from working" Dr. Jackie says. 

Damn. I didn't even know Ashley was stressing. She always was so happy when i was around i never thought that was a possibility. I bet me being late to the appointment was contributing. I rub my hands over my face as Dr. Jackie lets us know that we are finished and we will see her Next month. I begin to feel bad that i will be leaving for over 2 months and she'll be here alone. Well not fully alone, since she has her friends and family here.

After Dr. Jackie walks out, Ashley hops down off the table and pulls her top down before reaching for the bag Alek bought her. 

"my bad Ash, i aint mean to be late" I apologize standing up 

"you straight" she says dryly placing her bomber jacket on leaving the examination room. I decide to wait until we get outside to speak to her because i didn't want to have all this folks in our business. As we walk out i open the door for her seeing her texting someone by the name of Michael. I wasn't trying to be nosy but i just happened to see it. I trail behind her to her car. 

"you dont have to ignoring me Ash." i stepping infront of her. 

"im not.. i just dont have anything to say to you" She says trying to move around me. 

" look... i know i shouldve been here on time but-" she cuts me off

"No you dont know. This is possibly the last doctors appointment you'll be here for and yet you damn near missed it. But you swore you aint mean to be over two hours late to the gender reveal but now you get here with 2 minutes left in the last appointment you'll be at. You swore you wanted to be here for your child but you aint showing it" she walks around me to her car unlocking it. 

"you dont even know why i was late.. Nique and i got into it and she had me late"  i explain. I wasn't lying. When i was getting ready to leave she chose to pick a fight with me had me late. 

"yeah just like she had you late to the gender reveal?" she says sarcastically

"dont do that ash" i say to her

"nigga or what ? she says climbing into the suv. "get your shit together Israel... im not trying to seem disrespectful or nothing but if she stopping you from coming to things pertaining to your UNBORN child, imagine what she gone do when he get here" she says sitting down. 

"oh israel. I see you when you get back" She says closing the door and cranking the car up

i  couldnt say nothing because she was right. If Nique was doing this now then what was she going to do when my son comes. I get in my car and rub my hands down my face before cranking the car up and driving to the house. 

Ashley POV

"yall found a name yet?" Bri asks as we are putting up the freshly washed  baby clothes that i bought. 

" 'yall' aint did nothing but ive been looking i guess when he get back ill let him know my top picks and if he has an idea we'll discuss it." i say honestly. 

"okay. Yall getting on my nerves. One minute yall friends the next he fucking up and you mad. I now know i can't have kids till im married" She's says as i burst into tears. 

"im sorry you know i didn't mean it like that mama" Bri says hugging me. 

"i just wish i didn't put myself in this situation. I-I've been talking to Michael and he's such a nice man i wish i would've found a good man to get married to or at least be in a relationship with before id  become pregnant." i start. "now look at me... single and pregnant all at the age of 24. What man is going to actually want me now, because guess what they gone see. Me and my baggage. Thats all i think about is how my life will never be the same and i was afraid to go out with yall or leave the house for anything other than groceries. Now that im lonely in this damn house every night i wish i would've went out with yall or something other than work because now i can't get that back. Now i won't be able to go out or really date because i will have a child who will be my top priority" i rant to her

"dont say that Ash... there are good men out there who will love you child and all. Yeah you may not be able to hang out like a childless woman but you have something way more important than that. Your son is a gift from god. He gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers and Ash you have to realize although you may have taken certain opportunities for granted you will have other chances. As for dating you will be able to. Look at the surgeon, he obviously knows you are carrying another mans child but he doesn't care. And im sorry that you feel lonely. I couldnt imagine how you feel but i feel as though i haven't been here for you like i should be and im sorry. I know what you are going through and i haven't done my best, im sorry ive been failing you as your bestfriend" her voice cracks a little at the end. 

"its not your fault Bri. You still have a life and i can't expect you to be with me all the time" i explain to her. We spend a few more minutes hugging each other before there's a knock at the door signaling our chinese food had arrived. 

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