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Hi guys💆🏾‍♀️. This is an update I just wanted to say I apologize for being gone for so long I've been working and honestly been trying to get myself together.

I fell into a small depression right after my last update and wasn't motivated to do anything at all. It took me three months to write this chapter alone when it'll usually take me a few hours.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter and the rest of the book to come.

I will be updating wayyy sooner now. At least I'll try my best.

Thank you all for your support. When I initially wrote this I didn't think anyone would read it  I would call you a liar. I appreciate every single read vote and comment.

Once again thank you💗

Alright let's go.

Third POV

"So you sure it was your uncle?" Izzy says as he buttons up his shirt.

"Yes baby I'm pretty sure I know how my uncle sounds and looks" Ashley tells him about the events that happened last week. She still has not spoken to either one of them since.

"Ian saying I don't believe you that's just unexpected as hell" he says as he fumbles with his tie. They were preparing for the first day of trial and the both of them were nervous as hell. Neither one of them wanted to show it but they knew.

"We got this baby" Ashley speaks more so to herself as she helps him with his tie before giving a small smile.

"I love you ash" a bit of sadness falls though his eyes. They had recently found out that they are trying to pin other murders on him as well. Some of which he had no clue of. As well as the disappearance of Cash.

" I love you even more" Ashley brings her lips to his. Today Ashley would be testifying on his behalf. Izzy told her she didn't have to but her father suggested it would be better if she did. "Now finish getting ready Mr.James. I'm going to see if your mom is here yet" Ashley says teasing

"Yes Mrs.James" Izzy says back as she walks off. Ashley was still on cloud nine right now. The two had eloped and couldn't be happier.

Ashley stared down to the gold wedding band placed under her engagement ring and smiled in awe. Breaking her out of her thoughts the door opened signaling that ms. Sharon had arrive.

"Hey ma" ashley walks down in her business style dress and house shoes.

"Hey baby you look nice" the two hug.

" do I? Thank you. You hungry I can cook something really quick" Ashley says going into the kitchen.

"No baby I'm just fine." She study's Ashley's nervous movements as she moves to the fruit and begin chopping it up. Sharon happens to look down to Ashley's hand and noticed an extra ring adorning her finger.

"Ashley..." she drags out

"Ma'am" Ashley locks eyes with her and watches her eyes fall to her finger.

"Y'all didn't..." she says causing Ashley's eyes to go wide. "ISRAEL" Sharon yells as she hears heavy feet coming down the stairs. Ashley turns nervously to Israel who is carrying both children and takes lani out his arms.

"Did y'all get married" she asks before looking to his finger seeing an identical band on his finger. "Lord Melyssa gone kill y'all" Sharon chuckled

Melyssa always wanted Ashley to have a traditional wedding due to her not having one to carry on their families traditions.

Ashley began to feel bad because she knew her mother would be upset that she did not go the traditional route.

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