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Ashley POV

I look out of the cafe window watching all of the cars go by in the busy road. It's a typical day in the city honestly. People out on their daily runs, business men and woman in their work attire stopping to get their daily coffee before tackling a stressful day, House wives meeting to discuss their children and how their partners haven't been home. I take a sip of my herbal tea as I tap my leg in anticipation. I get anxious as I watch the hand on my watch continuously move further along.

I had received a text last night from Timothy last night asking could I meet him at a cafe near his office this morning. Of course I am nervous due to the fact I haven't actually had a conversation with him but I thought I'd give it a try.

"You doing alright over here?" A voice says to me causing me to shoot my head up to see a brown skin boy standing at the table.

"Yes I fine" I say shooting a small smile as he begins to refill my mug with hot water. I send him a short thank you. "I'm Tre if you need anything" he says sending me a warm smile before heading away. I take another look to my watch seeing that Timothy is 10 minutes late and I'm not sure if it's intentionally but people being late to things they plan don't sit well with me.

At that moment I hear the cafe bell ring signaling that someone had walked in. Being that I am facing the door i don't have to do much to see who is entering. And to my luck it is him walking in.  I watch as he does a quick scan of the room before planting his eyes on me and making his way over. My heart races as he gets closer and i coach myself to calm down.

"Sorry I'm late my morning meeting ran a little late." He says unbuttoning his suit jacket and sitting down infront of me.

"I um went ahead and ordered you a coffee I hope you don't mind." I speak to him as he picks up the cup. "3 sugars and 3 creams. I know it's the way I like it I hope it's not too sweet" I say before picking up my mug again.

"It's perfect. Just how I like it thank you" Timothy says as he shoots me a smile.

"How old are you?" He asks me as he scans my face

"I will be 25 as of next month" I smile slightly

"Is this your first child?" He begins with the questions

"No this will be my second. My son Aiden is 7 months" I tell him honestly. That's nothing that I'm uncomfortable sharing so I really don't mind.

"And if you don't mind me asking are you married and what do you do for a living?" He says.

"I am not married but I am in a relationship with my children's father. As for what I do I am a Nurse Anesthetist." I say to him as he shakes his head before we fall into a silence.

"I'd like to ask you something" I speak up

"Go ahead I'm all ears" he says giving me his undivided attention.

"Um" I clear my throat before shifting in my seat. I try to find the right words to say so that I can mask not only my pain and anger but my sadness. "Why didn't you want me?" Was all I could make out of what I wanted to say. After countless times replaying this scenario in my head that's all I could get out.

"I know you have a lot to lose but an innocent child had nothing to do with the decisions you made on your own. I don't want to bash you or anything but from going off of everything that I've been told my whole life it's hard to understand your thought process" I say looking him directly in his eyes. I watch as he shifts uncomfortably in his seat. I try to read his face but I can tell he is very experienced at hiding his expressions.

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