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Ashley POV

My alarm blares through my phone speakers as my head already hurts. The morning sickness hasn't been too bad just certain smells trigger it which I've been avoiding. Overall, the baby hasn't changed my everyday life other than my glass of wine after work.

I make my way to the bathroom to take my shower as the shower heated up I took in my body turning to the side seeing my flat stomach begin to poke out a little making me smile. Its like you can slightly tell I am pregnant but I'm still small. It's been about three weeks since I've contacted Israel's (izzys) lawyers also five weeks since I've found out I was pregnant causing me to be 11 weeks pregnant. Over the last three weeks we've done a paternity test by a doctor the court ordered so today we will see the results although I already know.

After my shower I get dressed in some black high waisted slacks and a button up top so that you can see my growing belly.

(Just a idea of outfit)***

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(Just a idea of outfit)***

Putting on my earrings I hear Alek walk in letting me know it's time to go if we want to make it on time. I'm grateful for my family and friends and their support that they have been giving me. Ever since I found out they've been nothing but supportive. Alek has even been here for five straight weeks although he has to fly back to Russia after court because of one of the last shipments went wrong. I told him to go ahead but he insisted to stay and I honestly couldn't ask for a better cousin. I noticed him and Bri are no longer arguing so that's good. He is beginning to be nervous around her but she doesn't want to get herself hurt again. I'll explain another time.

Walking to his g wagon mom is already in the backseat waiting on us. We hop in and make our way towards the court.

Getting out we walk in and I check my watch seeing we have fifteen minutes. So we go ahead and meet with our lawyers taking our place in court. I look to my side and I see Izzy walk in with his lawyers and I guess his fiancé by his side.

Within no time court began.

(authors note: i have no clue how court goes so please bare with me)

"All rise" The bailiff states.

As the judge comes in, he greets us with a good morning asking if we are ready. And with that he began going over our case in front of everyone.

"Mr. James, it says here that Ms. Ford tried reaching out to you but your management took it upon themselves to " handle it". In which resulted in Ms. Ford being threatened by your manager. Is this correct?"

"yes your honor, but my client is no longer under that management" his lawyer stated for him. as his fiancé looked at me and baby if looks could kill id be dead on the side of the road.

"and Ms. Ford what is your gain here, it says you do not want child support so what is it that you want" The judge looks my way. My lawyer begins to speak for me but i signal for him to allow me to speak.

"i want my child to be able to have a relationship with two parents. Don't get me wrong its nothing like a mothers love but there will always be a void that cannot be filled without having both parents in your life. Trust me, i know how it feels. " i say before i sit down looking back at my family behind me with them giving me smiles.

Izzy POV

I look over at Ashley as she is talking, i already knew that she didn't want any money because my lawyers got the statement a few weeks ago, which honestly shocked me. Because the broads nowadays  all want the same thing which is some money. If this child is mine i will do everything in my power to be there for him or her. I just couldn't see myself abandoning my child and that is what it feels like Nique wants me to do. Lately she's been dogging me out and acting really supicous.  Like i understand i fuck up but the way she acting is like i got her pregnant while we together on purpose.

Looking over at Ashley one more time i see who i guess is her mom and another guy smiling at her. I seems so great for her to have a support system like that only person here with me is Nique. My family thinks Ive been playing her and they aren't really in support of the possibility of me having a child.

Tapping out of my thoughts i pay my attention back to the judge. As he opens the results to the paternity test.  I honestly don't know how to feel. Of course i don't think its the right time to be having a child but if its mine ill have to step up.

"Alright well, lets get on to the results"  The judge says opening the folder containing the results.

"in regard to the unborn child that Ms. Ford is carrying... the probability of Mr. James being the biological father is....

99.99%."  the judge finishes. I didn't know how to feel. I have a child on the way, with someone i don't even know. I look back to see Nique cursing and storming out of the court room.

"I suggest that you two find an arrangement concerning custodies and arrangements. Congratulations to the two of you. Court adjourned." he said before walking into his chambers. I was still in shock as i seen my lawyers packing up as well as Ashley speaking to her lawyers and family. I tell my lawyers thank you and walk towards the opposite side taking in he small bump that you can only see from the side.

"excuse me" i say politely as everyone looks at me. The big white man covered in tattoos, stand-ing by her looks at me as if he wanted to rip my head off. The short older i presume to be her mother due to her features resembling Ashley, looks my way and gives me a tight lipped smile.

"Ashley may i speak with you" I ask meaning alone. She shakes her head and mumbles something in a native tongue to the ones she was standing with. Her mother grabs the white man and pulls him way. As we made our way outside of the court room to the lobby closest to a window so that we a far away from people so no one can interrupt our conversation.

" I'm sorry for making you go through all of this i just want to be sure." i said rubbing my hand on the back of my neck.

"Its fine i understand" she said shortly waiting on me to continue.

"I just wanted to let you know i want to be as involved as possible, i want to come to doctors appointments all of that. So, if we can figure this all out together that'll be good. I've never had a child before so i don't know how this goes and i don't think you have either so you won't be in this alone."

" Of course, i wouldn't stop you from being involved this is as much your child as mine. Here, put your number in my phone ill send you the next doctors appointment." she says sincerely pulling out her phone.

"also if you every need anything, I'm here and i mean anything. It could be a cup of ice at 4 am please don't hesitate to let me know." I smile sincerely at her. In the mist of this White dude come up to us.

"Ash you okay?" i couldn't help but here his russian accent which confused the hell out of me.

"yes im fine ill be over in a minute." she says to him before turning back to me. He lingers for a second mean mugging me before scoffing and walking to where her mother is standing before opening the door for her and they disappear.

"now what were you saying" she continues tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"i was just finishing plus i think your boyfriend doesn't like me" i joke trying to lighten the mood since i would have to be at least cool with her for the rest of my life.

" oh no baby, that's  my cousin" she laughs hard as hell to the point she almost cries.

"my bad ma." i said laughing a little.

"its cool, but i should get going, i have to work in a bit." she states before turning her back to walk off.  I then follow behind her to the exit because i have to go home and deal with this crazy ass girl.

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