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Ashley POV

"As we walk in this unit you have a small foyer with a half bath to your left" The realtor say showing me a new apartment in Midtown. Im considering bringing in a apartment because i really dont want stairs when i have the baby and i need to find a place like yesterday. I am now 23 weeks and time is ticking. This unit was on the third floor a building that only had the three floors, a elevator, parking garage and door man. After the foyer i checked out the kitchen that was about the side of my last one and was open to the living room. The kitchen was white and grey comparing to my brown kitchen in my town house. There were floor to ceiling windows that were beautiful in my opinion and each side of the living room was doors that lead to the two bedrooms. Both bedrooms had their own full bathrooms. In the master, there was a decent sized walk in closet and a bathroom with a separate shower and tub.

This is honestly the best one my realtor has found out of the things i can get into in such short notice within my budget. Talking it over with my realtor i decide to rent the apartment at least for the time being. I need to start preparing for my little boy, who is growing everyday.

Heading back to my moms house i arrange for a moving company to get my major things from my town house to the new apartment, such as my bed, couch, tvs and such. Other things like my dining set and furniture from the other two rooms i will either have to sell or put in storage which i dont want to pay for.

Going in the house i head to her large bedroom.

"ma" i say to her sitting on the edge of her bed as she looks at her phone.

"да" She says in her native tongue

"i found a place" i began to show her the pictures and tell her that i can move in on Monday which is 5 days away.

"have you spoken to Israel" she catches me off guard. Ive spoken to him regarding the baby but that's pretty much it.

"about the baby yes, i have nothing else to say to him" i respond as she stays quiet. Theres nothing else to say. Im not obligated to speak to him because at the end of the day he is just the father of my unborn child. Yes we were growing a nice friendship but i still feel some type of way about the whole gender reveal situation. Call me petty but i dont care.

Realizing that the conversation was over i go to my room and call Alek to see if he'll go with me to the town house to pack up some stuff. He lets me know that he is can and he'll come get me in about 2 hours. So in the mean time i watch some gossip girl while i wait out the time.

Izzy POV

"babe are you hungry?" Nique asks me as i read a message from my new manager letting me know that he cleared my schedule for january through April so i can be here for my sons birth and some time after.

"naa im good" i reply to her. Honestly im hungry as hell, she just can cook for shit. Seeing my phone ring i answer at the familiar number.

"Wussap" i answer

"haven't heard from you in a minute bro" i hear Alek's slight russian accented slip out. I get up and make my way towards the back door.

"yeah your cousin is still mad at me" i say closing the glass door causing Nique to look at me. I put my finger up signaling her to give me a second.

"i would be too... you do realize that's your child too right." he says "all over some pussy dude. I hope that shit was at least good" he says making me chuckle. Over the course of the past months Alek and I have grown closer.

"so wussap Alek" i say getting to the point , knowing he called for a reason.

"Ashley needs help packing up" he says simply

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